TIME CRUSHED HOF: Movies that have NOT stood the test of time!

And maybe lack of creativity. I feel that an inordinate number of new releases fall into the reboot or superhero/comic book classes.
And maybe lack of creativity. I feel that an inordinate number of new releases fall into the reboot or superhero/comic book classes.
True, it's like hey it worked before. A tweak here and a tweak there and once again the money rolls in. It's not always the case but more times than not it is. One of my favorite remakes of all time was Tron. They remade that one with passion and pride.
Ooh this gives me an idea for another thread...
Anything to do with hollywood is automatically "greed". Just sayin'!
So what you're saying is Short Circuit has no chance of a 2017 remake? ;-)
True, it's like hey it worked before. A tweak here and a tweak there and once again the money rolls in. It's not always the case but more times than not it is. One of my favorite remakes of all time was Tron. They remade that one with passion and pride.
aGREED! Many reboots put their originals to shame. Take special effects alone. Not that either movie is a favorite, but The Poseidon Adventure remake blew the original out of the water. Water, get it? Haha and lol, I crack myself up.
True, it's like hey it worked before. A tweak here and a tweak there and once again the money rolls in. It's not always the case but more times than not it is. One of my favorite remakes of all time was Tron. They remade that one with passion and pride.

Jeff - are you nominating the original Tron for the Time Crushed HOF?
Jeff - are you nominating the original Tron for the Time Crushed HOF?
No, it's been awhile since I've watched it but do remember still enjoying it. Since we're here I will give you one though…Hard to Kill. I remember enjoying this at one time but upon rewatching a couple weeks ago I couldn't even finish it.
I think the original Tron still hangs in there with aged charm.

Hard to Kill.... that's definitely some 90s cheese. Steven Seagal was a total stud when it came to hand-to-hand combat. But whenever he ran, it killed it for me! He just doesn't have that action hero pizzaz!

Im a huge Star Trek fan but the original movie "The Motion Picture" is painful

Short circuit was not that bad but a remake would not be a god idea. Ghostbusters and the remake were bad on so many levels.
Star Trek "The Motion Picture" gets a solid nomination!
If the The Towering Inferno doesn't qualify, then The first Die Hard should!
Both movies were good for their time. Towering inferno is a classic. Diehard even the recent ones are entertaining from start to finish.
We need a `dislike` button, Avitar and Top Gun are great movies. I sure hope no one says The Karate Kid as thats one of my top fav all time movies
We need a `dislike` button, Avitar and Top Gun are great movies. I sure hope no one says The Karate Kid as thats one of my top fav all time movies

I just saw the Karate Kid. Rock solid timeless classic!

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to submit "Iron Eagle".... caught some of it recently. It's permanently stuck in the 1980s (and not in a good way).
I spent my childhood as an Air Force brat... and loved the fantasy of flying an F-16 Eagle to save the day. In retrospect: what was I thinking???

I spent my childhood as an Air Force brat... and loved the fantasy of flying an F-16 Eagle to save the day. In retrospect: what was I thinking???

That going fast and jets are cool?! No shame Todd! Being a Marine I was stationed near Cherry Point and have many fond memories of jets flying overhead as well as breaking the sound barrier. Cool stuff that sticks with you.
It is cool stuff...

We lived on Clark AFB in the Philippines for 3 years. Every day was like an airshow. The power those jets is incredible (especially the ferocity and noise created by those old F4 Phantoms).

And thank you for your service, Jeff! :T
It is cool stuff...

We lived on Clark AFB in the Philippines for 3 years. Every day was like an airshow. The power those jets is incredible (especially the ferocity and noise created by those old F4 Phantoms).

And thank you for your service, Jeff! :T
It was my pleasure! The best thing I've ever done. So many memories.
I nominate The Running Man (1987).

Oooooo.... certainly has some very low-quality special FX moments.

Have you watched it recently?