TIME CRUSHED HOF: Movies that have NOT stood the test of time!

How about the made for TV movie/mini-series 1983 "The Day After"
The special effects alone!

And Cool World.
Sorry guys... but I must submit:

Dark Crystal

*ducks for cover*
What about:
  • Masters of the universe
  • Barbarella
Hey may not have been great when new but they got worse with age.
I think both of those would be filed under: released crushed :redgrin:
I think both of those would be filed under: released crushed :redgrin:
I'll be honest, I have a love for terrible movies like that. I'm a cult classic aficionado.

Barbarella is one of those movies where you have to ask what they were even thinking. Who wrote that and thought it was a good idea. I think there may be actual movies with a more cogent story than Barbarella. Calling the movie Cheesy is an understatement. The only thing that would have made it better is if it had been a musical movie like Rocky Horror or Hedwig and the angry inch (which is another favorite of mine).

I think there are actually quite a few action and sci-fi movies that didn't age all that well, where the special effects showed their limitations more than they should have rather quickly.
  • Titanic
  • All of the early superman movies
  • All of the Batman movies ever made ever
  • The Exorcist (Come on, Pea Soup!)
  • Nightmare on Elm Street (all of them!)
  • "LOTR: The Fellow ship of the ring" hasn't aged all that well
  • Independence day (I picked up a copy because I had this great memory of its special effects as a kid, it looks very dated)
I'm sure I could go on and on, and I'm sure there are some that might seem blasphemous but really had taken cutting edge special effects too far to the point of being fake.

I find the biggest special effects snafu that ages poorly is when the CGI or actual recreated model in the movie doesn't move realistically. We end up noticing that more on repeated watching. The biggest problem with the early LOTR movies, Independence day, even Avatar is the unnatural way things seem to move (maybe an uncanny valley type issue, so close yet so far).
Your credibility hinges on one answer:

What do you think of E.T. (now)? :devil:
Your credibility hinges on one answer:

What do you think of E.T. (now)? :devil:

It has lots of issues. It’s special effects are not good. There are plenty of movies from that time that look good to this day, including the Star Wars movies. The alien puppet in ET looks like a fake puppet from Jim Henson. It has a fake movement to it that comes off as robotic.

I also think there are issues with the story line generally that didn’t bother me as a kid but do now. It’s honestly a movie I don’t and wouldn’t watch today simply because it would ruin the childhood memory of it.
My man! Welcome to the Time Crushed HOF!

(You may want to tighten the chin strap on your helmet...). :hide:
Well people can dislike me all they want on this. The reality is that lots of movies didn't age well.

I also think Fillini movies didn't age well. The stories did, the writing, even some aspects of the cinematography. However the pacing, acting style, scenery, etc. all look their age, and in some ways, ruin aspects of what are, otherwise, some of the greatest films of all time.

I've long thought that redoing Fillini films would be great if it was possible to capture all that made those films great but with more modern sets, pacing, and acting style. La Strada is a great example, things were just done differently back then. The stages look like sound stages, they look very fake today.

It's like when you see a Die Hard movie, with all its great action and fun story, and realize just how obvious it is that this guy hanging off a building is actually hanging off a sound stage with a green screen behind him, and that the background is in fact far too zoomed to be realistic. The movie is still good, but how such terrible effects ever passed muster can be shocking.
...accept you’re not allowed to mention Die Hard in the Time Crush HOF.

That’s like talking about fight club!
Wow, Matt. You're digging deep into the film archives with that one!
A friend and I were just talking about North by Northwest and Dolce Vita being uniquely great movies that have not since been equaled in writing or directing. However both of us felt that the cinematography, pacing, acting style, and special effects looked their age.

A lot of Hitchcock movies were great for their time but haven’t aged well.

The original Night of the living dead by George Romero has a terribly cheesy train scene. Clearly a toy train set on a model town.
Barbarella is the strangest workout video Jane Fonda ever did.
Barbarella is the strangest workout video Jane Fonda ever did.

I was in a youth group as a teen that did these "sleepovers" once a month. They were supposed to be parent supervised and safe for teens to stay out of trouble, but as teens, we had our ways. There was more trouble than anyone realized.

The president of the Youth Group board was a high school aged student (I was a part of the group starting in 6th or 7th grade) who introduced us all to Barbarella. We would make up our own lines, act out scenes, you name it. That movie is iconically horrible!
Kills me to add it to the list...

Red Dawn (the original)


It's true. I saw roughly half of the film last week and immediately thought of the Time Crushed HOF.
Ok, I'll play along on a classic that hasn't aged well IMO. I did say my opinion…it's a classic but the last time I tried watching it something wasn't the same for me. Jaws. The sound, picture, and acting was just a bit cheesy. :justdontknow:

Maybe they will clean it up a little in the 4k release, but it’s gonna be hard to make that mechanical shark as legit as the new graphics technology.
We can all hope.

@JBrax, throwing JAWS under the bass is tantamount to treason. ET is one thing... but JAWS?

BUT, I guess we'll give you the benefit of the doubt, here. A very small sliver of benefit. :redgrin:
We can all hope.

@JBrax, throwing JAWS under the bass is tantamount to treason. ET is one thing... but JAWS?

BUT, I guess we'll give you the benefit of the doubt, here. A very small sliver of benefit. :redgrin:
How about Mortal Kombat? Oh man I loved it back when it came out. Even when it first came out on DVD I thought it was so cool. Having watched now about a year ago, it was down-right atrocious! CGI looked horrrrrrrrible. Acting was horrrrrible. Everything was tuuuuurrrrrrible!

Shouldn't a movie have to be good when it was released to be considered "Time Crushed"?
Ha! You make an excellent point, Travis. But, @Jon Liu does qualify that he loved it when it was released. So… “technically” it counts!
It's been a while... but we have a new entry.

The Abyss

Sorry. Not Sorry.

It has its moments... but 1980's cheese oozes through to ruin it
It's been a while... but we have a new entry.

The Abyss

Sorry. Not Sorry.

It has its moments... but 1980's cheese oozes through to ruin it
A. Greed.

To be honest, I didn't see it when it came out. This was my first time watching it. I just don't understand why everyone had their panties in a bunch over this one. A poor attempt at Underwater Alien.