Tony V.
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    • Tony V.
      Tony V. replied to the thread Speakers sensitivity.
      The subs are certainly the key, I wouldn’t replace the speakers until you have them set up and the crossover set at 80Hz and see how...
    • Tony V.
      Tony V. reacted to Sonnie's post in the thread Metal Building with Like Like.
      The walls will be spray foam insulated, so we plan to use them to simulate passive subwoofer resonators for complete sub-surround...
    • Tony V.
      Tony V. reacted to ddude003's post in the thread Metal Building with Haha Haha.
      Now you will have to name it Sonnie's Yellow Submarine Bar and Grill... Toss in a couple of microwave exciters and you will have a...
    • Tony V.
      Tony V. replied to the thread Metal Building.
      Can you imagine all the rattling that will need addressing when the subs are put in there
    • Tony V.
      Tony V. replied to the thread Speakers sensitivity.
      Jumping into this conversation a bit late but as has been said the sensitivity of your speakers are very normal my big concern is the...
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