TIME CRUSHED HOF: Movies that have NOT stood the test of time!

I'm speechless. Or, typeless... not sure which.

I think divorce is in order, Star Wars and Indiana Jones are beyond reproach.
I think divorce is in order, Star Wars and Indiana Jones are beyond reproach.
I made a very hard line stance and used the term irreconcilable differences but she's dug in and standing by her choices. So yeah…Todd is ruining my life with this thread. :paddle:
I recently watched Ghostbusters (1984) with my 16 year old son for the first time. A friend said I had to watch it. We both thought it cheesy, humorless, and idiotic. Evidently people liked it in the 80's.
Michael - did you see it in the theaters? Or was it before your time?
I made a very hard line stance and used the term irreconcilable differences but she's dug in and standing by her choices. So yeah…Todd is ruining my life with this thread. :paddle:

Michael - did you see it in the theaters? Or was it before your time?
I saw other movies in the theater in 1984, but never saw Ghostbusters. Must not have been interested. I saw Firefox in 1984 starring Clint Eastwood. I've seen it again in recent years and still like it.
Just goes to show, a lot goes into impressions of an older flick!
You have to view Die Hard as its own entity.
Kill off the cute Alien... then -- SURPRISE!!! -- bring him back to life. Sure had me crying.

BAD TODD! Still love ya, though, brother.
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I think divorce is in order, Star Wars and Indiana Jones are beyond reproach.

Which Star Wars? Original? Yes. 5 and 6? Yes. 1, 2, 3? And 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13....... infinity ???? To quote a favorite line in a favorite movie, "I'd rather poke needles in my eyes!"
Yeah, Die Hard would certainly go to the island with me before ET. I showed the thread to my wife looking for her nomination and you'd never guess what she said. Gasp, she said either Star Wars or Indiana Jones!!! :gah:

Definitely Die Hard goes with me before ET. Are you sure you are married to this person JBrax?
Which Star Wars? Original? Yes. 5 and 6? Yes. 1, 2, 3? And 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13....... infinity ???? To quote a favorite line in a favorite movie, "I'd rather poke needles in my eyes!"

Those 1,2, and 3 are the founding members of the "what were they thinking HOF." ;-)

I'm really having some difficulty with Die Hard being mentioned in this thread. I know the "Delete Thread" controls are around here somewhere.... :)
I vote for Robocop
GREAT entry suggestion. Robocop definitely deserves a Time Crushed nomination.
How about Mortal Kombat? Oh man I loved it back when it came out. Even when it first came out on DVD I thought it was so cool. Having watched now about a year ago, it was down-right atrocious! CGI looked horrrrrrrrible. Acting was horrrrrible. Everything was tuuuuurrrrrrible!
Yup. Mortal Combat must, unfortunately, wear the albatross of being Time Crushed. :dizzy:
Can't do Diehard... especially the first one... it was a classic! It's still a good movie too.

ET is fifty-eleven times better than Ghostbusters ever thought about being.

Robocop and Westworld ... although I know they have a remake of Westworld... the first one was atrocious!
Westworld the series on HBO was very good.
Hate to throw Louis Gossett Jr under the bus... but "Iron Eagle" is getting Time Crushed!
I'm starting to wonder... is a movie that's had a re-make (Red Dawn... Ghostbusters...) almost an automatic entry? Is a re-make the industry's own admission that the original just isn't aging well? Or is it pure greed (dipping back into waters that proved to be ridiculously fertile)?
I'm going with greed Todd. It's all about the money.