Using one measurement set for multiple options


Thread Starter
Oct 4, 2018
Just trying to think this through. I’ve measured my system as a 5.1.2 format for Dolby Atmos audio but would like to separately create two stereo filters with 2.0 and 2.1. Do I need to separately measure or can I extract the measurements for the mains and sub, and use the timing reference, from my multichannel measurements? Thanks. JCR


Jan 10, 2021
You should be able to, using different playback settings in the speaker configuration. Ie 2.0 content could be routed to 2 front l/r and sub.


Thread Starter
Oct 4, 2018
So I would have thought as well. However, after setting up a 2.0 speaker setup (full range for my mains, without subs), I get the error message when opening the 5.1.2 measurement, asking if I want to change the setup to match the measurement. When I say no, then the setup stays as 2.0, but the measurement does not open.

I do note that when I save a 5.1.2 filter set, Audiolense also automatically generates cfg files for 2.0 and 5.1. However, as you can see, it's not actually 2.0. It looks to me to be 2.1 even though labeled by Audiolense as 2.0. What would be the effect of using these cfg instructions -- 2.1, leaving the five other channels running but unconvolved? This, as compared to 2.1 and the other channels are disabled. And, of course, this doesn't get me to 2.0.

Further thoughts appreciated. Thanks. JCR


  • Audiolense 2.0 setup.jpg
    Audiolense 2.0 setup.jpg
    160.1 KB · Views: 10
  • 2.0 cfg.jpg
    2.0 cfg.jpg
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Staff member
Feb 5, 2018
2.0 is the format of the music.

You can decide how the format is played through your speakers in the setup section. And there, you can add any format you wish.

There will be one config file for each format.


Thread Starter
Oct 4, 2018
I follow, Bernt, but don’t understand the execution. Let’s take the simple 2.0 format for my mains alone. How do I create or identify the 2.0 cfg file off of a measurement set of eight channels? As shown above, the “2.0” cfg is really 2.1. Is it as simple as assigning the 350_384.wav file to my left main and the 351_384.wav file to my right main, and that will send full range out to each main? Or, as the eight channel setup routes bass below 40Hz to the sub, do these two wav files only represent full range above the 40Hz crossover point? JCR


Staff member
Feb 5, 2018
! Choose appropriate or closest setup.


2 Edit if necessary

3 Use crossovers if necessary:


4 And the part that most directly answers your question: Enter the Play Back Format and Channel Routing tab:

This shows how a regular stereo signal is routed to the speakers:


IF there is bass management involved, there may be more re-routing, but if subs offload main speakers, they are above regarded as an extended part of the main speaker.

So you will see that part in the second screen dump from the top here. In this case, the sub will not be used to offload front left and right speaker. You can change that at the speaker setup tab, though.

The 5.1 format is played back like this:

The matrix is editable. If you want to use e.g. back left and right here, you can insert appropriate numbers.

The default only includes 2.0 and 5.1 formats. If you need 7.1 format you have to make it yourself. Press the button New/Edit Current and add back left and back right input. You have to trigger the drop down combos to add or remove input channels (not shown here)

Down below I have made a 7.1 format, but it isn't finished yet. The missing part is to rooute back left input to back left speaker, and the same with back right. The top line in this matrix is the playback format, the 1st and 2nd rows is your speaker system.


You can add any format you wish here, but you will then have to fill in the matrix yourself. All formats that are specified will be accompanied by a loadable config file. And if you use Audiolense Convolver all the formats will be included in the ALC correction file. The corrections are the same for all playback format, but how they are used ... and which ones are used ... is specified in the format tab.


Thread Starter
Oct 4, 2018
Bernt, this is excellent for all on the forum. It helped me realize that I simply needed to delete all of the crossover information in my speaker and bass management and cross over configuration tabs, and then I ran and saved filters to discover a cfg that is a true 2.0, so I can listen to just my mains without the subs, as corrected. With only two DAC channels now used, I was able to utilize higher demanding HQPlayer settings, including upscaling all material to my DAC's maximum DSD128. Thanks for the assistance. JCR
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