REW Beta Release REW V5.20 beta 10

John Mulcahy

REW Author
Thread Starter
Apr 3, 2017
Further small changes and a couple of bug fixes in beta 10.

The stepped sine silence interval is now in seconds, allowing up to 60 seconds before the next tone starts.

When using a loopback as the timing reference the signal generator output is echoed on the timing reference output for all signal types.

There is now a control for trace thickness on the graph image capture dialog, allowing extra-thick traces if required. The default is 2 pixels trace width.

The menu on macOS now stays visible for all REW windows rather than just the main window. Also on macOS the native file dialog is now used to choose the folder for exporting all measurements as text rather than a Java component. The macOS default for always on top window states has been set to false to avoid a Java bug that causes the windows to disappear on restore if the Dock preference "Minimise windows into application icon" is selected.

A warning is shown if the input channels appear to have been swapped for impedance measurements being used for TS parameter calculations, based on seeing a phase close to 180 degrees at the resonance peak rather than close to zero degrees.

The frequency axis upper limit is now 200 kHz if using 352.8 kHz or 384 kHz sample rate.

Impulse responses that were exported as text can now be re-imported as text - it is generally better to use the WAV file format to export impulse responses though.

If a measurement has a start frequency below 20 Hz the sweep starts with a linear portion from DC to 10 HZ. There was a fade in on that linear portion in the previous V5.20 beta versions (not in V5.19), it has been removed to increase the sweep LF energy and suppress LF noise.

Added a 22-bit dither setting for the signal generator.

The bug fixes:
  • The VU meter RMS numeric area wasn't wide enough for levels below -99.9 dB on macOS
  • On macOS windows were not being restored to their last used sizes


Jun 26, 2018
I, i'm a new user and i saw a lot of update to this good software, but every time i have the same thought: why there isn't the name of the file on the top of the windows, like every common software? It is very usefull.
And why the description row of measurement names is so short? If you add just a word to the automatic name you need to scroll the entire name, i always have to do this, and it is is very short too. Can you add some more space please?
Thank you.

John Mulcahy

REW Author
Thread Starter
Apr 3, 2017
why there isn't the name of the file on the top of the windows, like every common software?
There is no single file, measurements from multiple different files can be loaded. The file name for each measurement is shown on the measurement panel.

And why the description row of measurement names is so short? If you add just a word to the automatic name you need to scroll the entire name, i always have to do this, and it is is very short too. Can you add some more space please
The space allowed is a compromise to accommodate screens of a range of resolutions, many folk run REW on laptops with small and often low resolution screens so space is precious. I can look at modifying the space according to the screen resolution, but it isn't trivial since high DPI screens may still be restricted for screen real estate.


Jun 26, 2018
There is no single file, measurements from multiple different files can be loaded. The file name for each measurement is shown on the measurement panel.
View attachment 13890

The space allowed is a compromise to accommodate screens of a range of resolutions, many folk run REW on laptops with small and often low resolution screens so space is precious. I can look at modifying the space according to the screen resolution, but it isn't trivial since high DPI screens may still be restricted for screen real estate.

You can lorad from multiple files, i know this, but in my routine this work well if you have a low number of measures.
I run REW usually with an old laptop pc with Windows XP and low resolution for car measurement. Only at home i see the measures with a desktop pc, usually is a set of 15-30 or more in 1-3 files.
But for this reason i need to group measures in a file and to differentiate the files easily reviewing the job; also i need to put notes on each measure and finally to group a set of them with a clear filename.
Using multiple instances this is more important, because apparently the measure name are all the same and the only difference is the time indicated. This need more attention to check every measure name, scrolling text.

John Mulcahy

REW Author
Thread Starter
Apr 3, 2017
The measurement names and anything appended to them are whatever you choose them to be. You could have REW append a number rather a time and choose a root measurement name that identifies the set.


Jan 9, 2019
Hi John,

MiniDSP has just added a new version to their C-DSP model series called a C-DSP 8x12 DL. It's basically a Dirac Live version of their C-DSP 8x12 model. If you could be so kind as to add this new model to REW to allow easier exportation of the filter correction file. It is essentially the same process as the C-DSP 8x12 which you added in beta version 7 of REW except that for the new C-DSP 8x12 DL, the sample rate is set at 48kHz instead of 192 kHz as was the case with the C-DSP 8x12. Thanks.


May 27, 2019
Hi John, thanks for your continued work on this awesome piece of software!

I'm having some trouble with this version - I need to use a WAV for measurement, since the generated Measurement sweep is aliasing like crazy, but when I import the saved WAV, it tells me the file is missing required data. This is a WAV file that I saved in the same version of REW about 20 seconds before importing into the Measurement window.

Any thoughts on what might be wrong here? Thanks!

John Mulcahy

REW Author
Thread Starter
Apr 3, 2017
This issue, perhaps? Curious why the measurement sweep should be aliasing though. Is REW running at the same sample rate as the system being measured?


May 27, 2019
This issue, perhaps? Curious why the measurement sweep should be aliasing though. Is REW running at the same sample rate as the system being measured?
It may be that, I didn't try using the other channel. I'll check later today.
As for the measurement sweep, everything is 48k as far as I can tell. What's even weirder is the Log Sweep in the Generator panel works fine, just the Measurement Sweep in both the Generator and Measurement panels is broken. This is on both the beta and the most recent stable. However, I swapped to a different computer and no more aliasing. So I at least got my system measured.

Let me know if you'd like more information about the Measurement sweep, or if it's likely a hardware specific issue.

John Mulcahy

REW Author
Thread Starter
Apr 3, 2017
Can you capture what is happening with the measurement sweep? Maybe make a loopback measurement and post the mdat file? What operating system and what sweep settings?


May 27, 2019
Can you capture what is happening with the measurement sweep? Maybe make a loopback measurement and post the mdat file? What operating system and what sweep settings?
Windows 7x64 Enterprise, SP1
Sweep settings:

I don't know how to capture a loopback recording with the onboard sound card - especially since the input is configured to be the UMIK.

When I use an external sound card for in/out, loopback is flat, but that doesn't really help since it's different hardware!

John Mulcahy

REW Author
Thread Starter
Apr 3, 2017
When you say the sweep is aliasing, what effect are you seeing or hearing?

Looks like you are using ASIO, I guess there could be something odd with the particular ASIO sample format being used. Does it sound or behave differently if you use the Java driver? Coincidentally I added a display of the ASIO sample format in the status bar for the next beta, perhaps that will give some clue.

Could do a loopback into the onboard soundcard, presuming it has a line input.


Jan 9, 2019
Hi John,

MiniDSP has just added a new version to their C-DSP model series called a C-DSP 8x12 DL. It's basically a Dirac Live version of their C-DSP 8x12 model. If you could be so kind as to add this new model to REW to allow easier exportation of the filter correction file. It is essentially the same process as the C-DSP 8x12 which you added in beta version 7 of REW except that for the new C-DSP 8x12 DL, the sample rate is set at 48kHz instead of 192 kHz as was the case with the C-DSP 8x12. Thanks.

Apologies, I forgot to mention that the manual process of performing the filter file import is documented on page 66 of their manual, it is here 8x12 DL User Manual.pdf
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