Hello, I am a novice and am interested in convolution, I discovered yesterday that it was possible to improve listening on speakers thanks to a convolution file. I did a test with a microphone that is not a measurement microphone, it is an: Audio Technica AT2020. So I made two measurements in the direction of each speaker (about 40 cm from the speakers) front left and right speaker, then generated a convolution file which I then loaded into JRIVER and then activated the convolution, the sound is very different, both on the stereo separation and also made a kind of equalization on the whole spectrum. As I said it was just to try and I doubt that the microphone used is absolutely not made for taking measurements, moreover I did not know that it was necessary to direct the measurement microphones towards the ceiling ( to the top...) So I plan to buy a good microphone to generate a good convolution file, I have the choice between: -- AUDIX TR40A ( used ) --AUDIX TM-1 -- BEYERDYNAMIC MM1 Can you advise me which of these three microphones would be the best ???? THANKS