I just completed the spaceframe part of my new AV rack. The rack will ultimately extend longer than the metal frame to make it about 12" wider to hold my NAS. The space frame is 13" deep x 25" high x 73" wide (85" will be the width including the NAS inside of the ultimate size of the cabinet). The frame is made of 8020 1x1s, 1x1/2", and 3 1/2" long 1/2" aluminum round bars tapped for 1/4" on one end for attaching to the t-slots.
My dilemmas are...
1: What to use for the shelves as the supports will be 3 1/2" long threaded 1/2" aluminum rods which will support the shelves by about 1 to 2" at 4 points. The support rods are 12" apart front to rear. I am thinking of shelves about 18" square which would be about 1" from the 1x1 uprights. I was thinking of 18x18 floor tiles...possibly slate, or glass.
2: Should I use my old 1 1/2" thick wood shelves, and have them glued together to make the sides of the cabinet, and the top...or should I use granite for the top, and the wood for the sides? I am thinking the wood could be stained cherry to match my speakers.
My dilemmas are...
1: What to use for the shelves as the supports will be 3 1/2" long threaded 1/2" aluminum rods which will support the shelves by about 1 to 2" at 4 points. The support rods are 12" apart front to rear. I am thinking of shelves about 18" square which would be about 1" from the 1x1 uprights. I was thinking of 18x18 floor tiles...possibly slate, or glass.
2: Should I use my old 1 1/2" thick wood shelves, and have them glued together to make the sides of the cabinet, and the top...or should I use granite for the top, and the wood for the sides? I am thinking the wood could be stained cherry to match my speakers.