3db's Main System located in the basement

I always wanted seperates for a stereo system only because I think its kinda cool. I scored the following for a $525 Cdn . All it took was a 6 hour round trip and gas to get them. It was demonstrated by the seller and it all works. All Yamaha: power amp is a MX-600U, pre-amp is a CX-600U, and tuner is TX-530

These are not the pics of the actual units as I'm just getting around to setting it up


I'm adding a separates stack dedicated to 2 channel use only not because I think it will sound better than my AVR but because Ive always wanted one. I'm a die hard Yamaha guy and my stack is what else Yamaha. I'm not sure aesthetically which placement of the stack I want yet. What do you guys think? Option 1 or Option 2

Option 1


Option 2
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I think I prefer option 2 by a slight margin. Did you consider putting your turntable on top? Option 1 may look better if you did.
Nice score on the separates!
I think I prefer option 2 by a slight margin. Did you consider putting your turntable on top? Option 1 may look better if you did.
Nice score on the separates!
I'm definitely moving the turntable to the audio rack but I'm waiting for an Amazon order to come in for pads that I can put underneath the rack so I can move it more readily across the carpeted floor once the rack is loaded with gear.
I think I prefer option 2 by a slight margin. Did you consider putting your turntable on top? Option 1 may look better if you did.
Nice score on the separates!
Thanks J.
Deleting post because I posted in the wrong area.
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I moved things around in the room again and also wired up the amp selector switch so that both the power amp and the AVR can drive the towers.

The Yamaha EQ-550 arrived today very well packaged. I cleaned it up and put it in the stack. I think I goofed ordering this rack as I still want to fit in a Yamaha KX-1200 and Yamaha CD player but I don't think I have the shelf space. Its like playing audio rack tetras!! I will try different combos like putting the power amp in the middle rack and using the bottom rock to hold the deck, CD player, and preamp. If that doesn't work, I'll just remove the tuner out of the equation as I very seldom listen to radio, Besides, I have an AVR with a tuner as well.''

Here are the room curves all of which use 1/12 smoothing.

The individual subs responses plus the combination of both before using REW to produce the Harmon curve.
PreEQ Sub Responses.jpg

The blue trace below is the same trace as the green trace in the previous graph, before EQ. The green trace below is the EQ'd bass response.
Pre-Post EQ Sub1+Sub2  Responses.jpg

Below is the full frequency sweep in room response for the movie configuration. The red trace is the AVR with PEQ set to FLAT . The blue trace has PEQ turned off.
Movie Config Flat Vs Throug.jpg

don't use the AVR's PEQ function with music. I still use the AVR's bass management in the brown trace where both sub and the towers get bass. The green trace is when the AVR is set to Pure Direct which turns off the bass management and its only the towers producing the full frequency sweep.
Music Config XtraBass Vs Pure Direct.jpg
The green trace is when the AVR is set to Pure Direct
Great low end full range extension on those mains.
The blue trace below is the same trace as the green trace in the previous graph, before EQ. The green trace below is the EQ'd bass response.
So, does the EQ’d response sound much better to you? The raw response is pretty good to begin with.
Great low end full range extension on those mains.

So, does the EQ’d response sound much better to you? The raw response is pretty good to begin with.
I haven't had a chance to use it. Will keep you posted.
I haven't had a chance to use it. Will keep you posted.
It sound good but guess what?? I moved sh?t around again because I wanted to increase the distance between the mains and pull them further out. I got an additional 10" between them and additional 6" away from the wall behind them. I also got my separates stack up and running.

Here are the measurements from the last room change. What I did was post the measurements comparing the current (new) room setup compared to the previous (last) room setup.

Left Sub Response New and Old Location Pre REW.jpg

Right Sub Response New and Old Location Pre REW.jpg

Subs L+R New vs Old Location Pre EQ.jpg

Subs L+R New vs Old Location Post EQ - Copy.jpg

Movie Setup New vs Old Locations.jpg

Music Setup New vs Old Locations.jpg

Movie Setup New vs Old Locations.jpg


  • Movie Setup New vs Old Locations - Copy.jpg
    Movie Setup New vs Old Locations - Copy.jpg
    195.1 KB · Views: 16
I purchased my 3rd Yamaha KX-1200 deck and it came in yesterday. wow it looks brand new, easily the best looking out of the three. I got the deck connected up to the stack finally. It still wasn't working the way I wanted it too after 3 different connect configurations. I decided at this point to stop and read the owners manual of the preamp. I banged my head on the desk repeatedly when I saw the "record selector switch" in the manual. I was tired at this point and went to bed. I tried the connecting thing again and bingo!! I also bypassed the tape monitor loop on the EQ as I want to record my source material unaltered by the EQ.

I also put in the calibration tape and the spectrum analyzer pegged the tape output at 3KHz which is the frequency that was recorded on the tape.





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I didn't like the sub stuck out in the room like that so I moved it back to a previous location tucked in the corner which is on the left side if the sofa and aimed down the length of the sofa.


Here are the responses. I compared new to previous (old) location

New Vs Old Combined Sub Response Pre EQ.jpg
Movie Mode New vs Old  Sub Location Full Response.jpg

Music Mode With Subs New vs Old  Sub Location Full Response.jpg

Music Mode With Subs vs No Subs (Pure Direct).jpg
My CD rack came in from Amazon.

I desperately needed room on my movie and music shelf so I purchased this one from Atlantic. Its the taller shelf on the right.


The CD shelf got moved behind the stationary bike and is reserved for blues and classical music.


to clean up this


The tools

Two of these for my decks that I record and play on. One cable running between each deck ( 2 x KX-1200 ) and AVR with each cable handling both record/play functions


These will be used on the decks that I only play music on, one cable going to analog out of each deck (Pioneer and Akai decks) and the AVR

One cable between the analog out of the BluRay player and AVR. The second cable between analog out of K1000 deck and AVR

I ordered two packs of these, one in 3.3ft and the other in 6.6 ft lengths to connect the BluRay, media player, and cable box to the AVR.

and these used to label the cables


I also ordered this ..3/8" wire wrap.
I've done that several times and it seems to get right back in a mess again... lol. Maybe you'll have better luck than me.
I like to tear it all apart once a year and see if I can put it back together again better than it was in the first place. Good time to dust as clean everything as well!
I like to tear it all apart once a year and see if I can put it back together again better than it was in the first place. Good time to dust as clean everything as well!

LOL. You have a sickness. ;-).

I take my gear apart to slot in loaners and it always proves to be a headache. Most recently, I incorporated a processor, only to find conflicting labels on some connections. You'd think I'd get it right the first time – either I wasn't paying attention or was lazy.

My dream is to hire a pro and have them come make it look like an art museum piece!