Tomorrow on AV NIRVANA LIVE, We're Joined by Trinnov's Arnaud Laborie at 1PM Eastern!


(August 20, 2024) We're super excited to announce that Trinnov's CEO and co-founder, Arnaud Laborie, will join Todd and Sonnie on AV NIRVANA LIVE tomorrow, August 21st, at 1PM Eastern! We'll talk about the public release of WaveForming, dig into how WaveForming works, and talk about what owners of smaller home theater systems can expect when using WaveForming to shape the bass experience in their own home theater room.

You can watch and participate on stream by viewing on X, YouTube, and Facebook. Please drop in, say hello, and ask a question!

We had a fantastic show with Arnaud Laborie of Trinnov! About 20 mins in, he uses a bunch of visual aides to show how WaveForming steers bass… and then spend a lot of time talking about using WaveForming with subwoofer arrays using only four subs. Lots more visual aids… and at the end, Arnaud shows measurements from six different real world use cases, including one from a living room type set up.

Definitely check this out!

Yep, it was extremely interesting and informative. After our live time, I got some excellent advice about how to set up my room should I decide to give WaveForming a run. It appears it still does very well, even with rooms that are not perfect.

Also, it will be interesting to see if it works in your room, Todd, in contrast to the fact that DLART does not work for you.
My room will be less than ideal because my rear subs are behind seating and raising them won’t be an option.

Very curious to see what happens
Hey J... thanks for watching! Arnaud is one of the friendliest, most humble folks in the industry. It's always a pleasure to chat with him. The guy is next level smart!
Arnaud is one of the friendliest, most humble folks in the industry. It's always a pleasure to chat with him. The guy is next level smart!
He was sure able to make a complicated subject simple with excellent simulations and presentation of results.

I was also surprised to learn Waveforming installation is much more room placement friendly and requiring fewer subwoofers than I expected after reading about some of the crazy good demos Trinnov has done.
@Todd Anderson might you still be in the process of the Trinnov review? One question that came to mind with wave forming is how much output, if any, is lost vs a more conventional multi-sub setup? Is the rear wall array entirely for absorption/cancellation of the wave or does it add to the total output?

Maybe a better way I can put this question is, if one has 4 subs now and adds 4 more for waveforming, is the combined out the same, in the middle of 4 and 8 or close to 8?

Also, for the newer sub bass boost, (I forget what it’s called exactly), how is the frequency where the boost starts determined, or is it the same in all cases?

Perhaps I could just borrow the processor when you’re done with it and answer my own questions. :)
I think he should let you borrow it... perfect! :yes: ... but Tod will say... :nono: