(August 20, 2024) We're super excited to announce that Trinnov's CEO and co-founder, Arnaud Laborie, will join Todd and Sonnie on AV NIRVANA LIVE tomorrow, August 21st, at 1PM Eastern! We'll talk about the public release of WaveForming, dig into how WaveForming works, and talk about what owners of smaller home theater systems can expect when using WaveForming to shape the bass experience in their own home theater room.
You can watch and participate on stream by viewing on X, YouTube, and Facebook. Please drop in, say hello, and ask a question!

Everything you need to know about Trinnov's WaveForming, including how it performs in Normal Rooms!
Trinnov's CEO and co-founder, Arnaud Laborie, joins AV NIRVANA LIVE to talk about the public release of WaveForming. We'll dig into how WaveForming works an...