Michael Scott
Partner / Reviewer
- Preamp, Processor or Receiver
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- Peavy IPR 3000 for subs
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- Panasonic UB820 4K UHD Player
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- 2x Marty subs (full size with SI 18's)
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- Sony 85 inch X950H FALD TV
The thing about horror/comedies is, they actually have to be funny. Such is not the case with a sort of “reverse Species” indie comedy that just fails on every front. The movie tries to make fun of “hip” teenage culture, only to feel like it tried too hard to take it’s references from the 90s. It tries to be funny with slapstick scenes of gore, only to fail there as it uses score jump scare cues to say to the audience “that was supposed to be funny! Right?”. It kinda succeeds as a monster horror movie, but only in the final act of the movie when the two heroines actually duke it out with the best. Before that I was holding my head in my hands praying to the Lord almighty to just end my suffering and have my home theater system burst into flames so I wouldn’t be forced to watch this anymore.
The thing that should clue most people into the train wreck they’re about to watch is the fact that the movie has 100% critics score on rotten tomatoes, but a 54% rating from viewers. Usually that never ends well as the host of out of touch RT critics loving something while the audience dissing it is a sure sign of pain and suffering to come. Either way, I’m luckily here, throwing myself in front of the speeding bullet, so that I can save the rest of you from making the same mistake that I did…..watching this movie.
Sara Steinberg (Mary Nepi) is in for an AWESOME senior year. She’s getting ready to graduate soon, and she’s “in” with the cool kids (played by a trio of Clueless caricatures who spout nothing but “whatever!”, “sup”, and “totally cray!” and other mindless attempts at imitating teenage slang), and even has a chance at her hunky ex boyfriend Skylar too (Austin Fryberger). After hooking up with Skyler and and joining the ranks of womanhood, she ends up with a bit of a surprise, she’s pregnant. The only thing is, she just had sex the night before and the next day she’s 9 months pregnant. Going to the doctor leads them to the uncomfortable conclusion that she’s pregnant with an alien. An alien who pops out of her and starts killing everything in sight, and attaching itself to victims and manipulates them like marionettes.
Snatchers unfortunately hits every cliche in the book as well as being unfunny and not THAT gory. Sara and Hayley stopped being friends so that Hayley could move up in society, the girls learn they’re still besties once they have to team up to kill a monster, they kill said monster, and live happily ever after. After doing some digging it comes to light that the movie is not as “fresh” as you would expect. It turns out that this wasn’t a feature film at all in the first place. It was a series of webisodes that was strung together over the course of a year and a half at Sundance film festival. Then the show’s second and third “season” was canceled, so the writers created a second half and turned it into a feature film. The seams of the webisode nature of the product doesn’t really show, which I have to give them credit for, but that still doesn’t mean that the end product is any more garbagy than it already is.
Rated R for bloody creature violence, sexual content and language



• Unexpected: The Snatchers Blooper Reel
• Audio Commentary featuring Directors and Writers Stephen Cedars, Benji Kleiman, and Writer Scott Yacyshyn
Final Score:

Snatchers was…..well...interesting to say the least. It tries an old take on teen comedies, but adds in gore and over the top slapstick humor to try and make it relevant to modern kids. Sadly it does neither very well and it’s not until the third act that I actually started eeking SOME enjoyment out of the film. I give them credit for trying something different and new in the horror genre, but it really doesn’t muster up more than a few chuckles, and gore hounds won’t find much interesting in it either. The Blu-ray is solid enough though, with good video and audio, but the typical moderate extras. Personally, I would skip this entirely as I can’t even muster up enough energy to say that this is the worst movie ever made, or even give a recommendation as a cheap rental. No, just no.
Technical Specifications:
Starring: Mary Nepi, Gabrielle Elyse, J.J. Nolan, Austin Fryberger, Nick Gomez, Rich Fulcher, Ashley Argota
Directed by: Stephen Cedars, Benji Kleiman
Written by: Stephen Cedars, Benji Kleiman, Scott Yacyshyn
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1 AVC
Audio: English: DTS-HD MA 5.1, French, Spanish DD 5.1
Subtitles: English SDH, French, Spanish
Studio: Warner Brothers
Rated: R
Runtime: 96 minutes
Blu-ray Release Date: February 18th, 2020
Recommendation: Skip It