I have found the built in signal generator in REW to be a wonderful tool for generating various tones useful in testing all sorts of equipment. I would love to have it be able to generate tones at higher sampling rates beyond 48K. If there was a 96K and 192K option, that would make my day. If such an ability already exists, I would love to know how to access it as I have not been able to find it thus far. Thanks for all the stellar work and constant refinement on this product.
Best... Carlo.
I have found the built in signal generator in REW to be a wonderful tool for generating various tones useful in testing all sorts of equipment. I would love to have it be able to generate tones at higher sampling rates beyond 48K. If there was a 96K and 192K option, that would make my day. If such an ability already exists, I would love to know how to access it as I have not been able to find it thus far. Thanks for all the stellar work and constant refinement on this product.
Best... Carlo.