Possible to generate IR from imported Mag/Phase data?


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May 5, 2019
I've exported to text files several measurements from SMAART that I want to manipulate in REW. One of the things I'd like to do is RMS+phase avg many of these measurements. However REW requires that each measurement have an impulse response.
I have looked high and low for the ability to generate an impulse response for a measurement with only magnitude and phase data.
The best solution I've thought of is to generate both a minimum and excess phase version, and then convolve those two versions together. The result then has nearly identical mag/phase data as the original, but also an IR.
This is pretty tedious - am I missing any obvious workflow that would help? Thanks a million.

John Mulcahy

REW Author
Apr 3, 2017
In the current beta release using "Generate minimum phase" on a measurement imported from a text file which included phase will generate an IR for the measurement using the original phase data as well as producing a minimum phase IR.
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