Panasonic UB820


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Apr 17, 2017
San Miguel de Allende Mexico
I just received my new Panasonic UB820, and popped in the movie Mortal Engines. To say I was blown away is an understatement. I have watched the movie several times on my Dune HD PRO 4K, and I had liked it, but this time was the first time on a 4k bluray player. I purchased this to have a backup for my ripped movies and also because I wanted to have DV. My LG has DV and I wanted to see what it looked like, and this was the first time that the blCks were inky black. The colors popped and in other scenes the colors were natural. There was a lot of details also that I do not recall either. I had read some reviews that compared it to the Oppo 203 (which I used to have, but sold because I hardly e er used it. Lol). Fast forward to now and I found that it was def worthwhile to have a 4k player for those occasions when there was a problem with the media players (Murphy seems to happen when company is over) I was looking for a moderately priced player with a good picture.

I highly recommend this player for anyone that wants a great 4k player. Amazon has them on sale right now too.
One thing I do not like is the remote. The buttons are to close to each other and if I try to hit the up button without looking... I keep accidentally hitting Netflix. If they made the remote a few inches longer, and separated rhe wheel/arrows it would be much easier to use.
One thing I do not like is the remote. The buttons are to close to each other and if I try to hit the up button without looking... I keep accidentally hitting Netflix. If they made the remote a few inches longer, and separated rhe wheel/arrows it would be much easier to use.
Ya the remote sucks…i sit 3 feet from the player and because there is a piece of furniture between me and the player it doesn’t get a signal. My fire cube remote don’t have that problem. I just control it through harmony.
Ya the remote sucks…i sit 3 feet from the player and because there is a piece of furniture between me and the player it doesn’t get a signal. My fire cube remote don’t have that problem. I just control it through harmony.
I can not believe that Panasonic does not have a decent working app for Android either...I still really like the unit though.