Média de medidas no MLP sem perder a referência de tempo


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Jul 2, 2017
Eu apreciaria uma ajuda para usar o REW para calcular a média de medidas dos meus sub sem perder a referência de tempo.
Eu tenho 6 sub. Fiz 4 medidas por sub em torno do MLP e quero encontrar a curva média de cada sub, mas preciso da referência de tempo média de cada sub para fazer a fusão e carregar os valores dos filtros no DCX.
Qualquer tentativa de média que eu uso através de REW simplesmente perco o delay ... As opções que REW oferece para médias são 3 que eu conheço: média simples de pontos, média vetorial e média com t = 0. Todas essas médias removem o atraso ... Eu uso MSO para achar os filtros, etc ... porque ele mantem os delay das medidas no MLP, o MSO faz bem isso nas é muito trabalhoso e demorado, gostaria de utilizar o REW para fazer a fusão dos sub. Eu só posso usar o REW para a fusão se fizer apenas uma medida no MLP por sub sem perder a referência e tempo.
Eu agradeceria alguma ajuda, conselho de como proceder para fazer a curva média com referência de tempo com o REW.


Thread Starter
Jul 2, 2017
I would appreciate some help using REW to average my sub measurements without losing time reference.
I have 6 sub. I made 4 measurements per sub around the MLP and I want to find the average curve for each sub, but I need the average time reference for each sub to merge and load the filter values into the DCX.
Any attempt at averaging that I use through REW simply misses the delay ... The options that REW offers for averages are 3 that I know of: simple point average, vector average and average with t = 0. All these averages remove the delay ... I use MSO to find the filters, etc ... because it keeps the measurement delays in the MLP, the MSO does it well in it is very laborious and time consuming, I would like to use REW to merge the sub. I can only use REW for the merger if I make only one measurement in MLP per sub without losing reference and time.
I would appreciate some help, advice on how to proceed to make the average curve with time reference with REW.

John Mulcahy

REW Author
Apr 3, 2017
Vector average will retain whatever delays the measurements have, but vector averaging measurements from different positions doesn't necessarily make sense. I would suggest you time align the individual measurements for each sub, vector average the aligned measurements, then reintroduce whatever delay you require by changing t=0 for the averaged result.


Thread Starter
Jul 2, 2017
Vector average will retain whatever delays the measurements have, but vector averaging measurements from different positions doesn't necessarily make sense. I would suggest you time align the individual measurements for each sub, vector average the aligned measurements, then reintroduce whatever delay you require by changing t=0 for the averaged result.


Thread Starter
Jul 2, 2017
Thanks John for the answer I ask how to introduce this time into the average vector You could point me to the tutorial page I would appreciate it

John Mulcahy

REW Author
Apr 3, 2017
You can use Set t=0 at cursor or Offset t=0 in the Impulse graph controls to set a time delay shift.


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Jul 2, 2017
Consegui realizar a medida vetorial das medições e reintroduzi o atraso - Obrigado pela ajuda imediata John
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