GoldenEar Launches Its New ForceField 30 and ForceField 40 Ultra-Compact Subs


(July 18, 2022) Following a somewhat quiet first half of 2022, house favorite GoldenEar is making a summer splash with two new ultra-compact subwoofers. Borrowing physical elements carried by its BRX bookshelf speaker design (reviewed, here), the new ForceField 30 and ForceField 40 are designed to deliver potent bass from conveniently small enclosures.

As compared to previous ForceField models, GoldenEar's latest diminutive sub-sonic hammers sport thicker cabinets, curved tops, perforated metal grills, and satin-black finishes. Changes to the cabinet's physical attributes are intended to minimize cabinet resonances while preventing absorbing and smearing important bass transient information and impact. And electronics have also realized improvements, sporting tech used in the company's SuperSub X and XXL models. These include a MOSFET output stage for greater power-transfer efficiency and sub-level and low-pass filter controls.

The bottoms of both models carry a quadratic planar infrasonic radiator for portless bass extension, with the ForceField 40's active driver and passive radiator being slightly larger.

The ForceField 40 measures 13.3" W x 18.3" D x 14.7" H (40.5 lbs), possessing a 10" long-throw driver and a 11" x 13" passive radiator. Overall output is rated generously at 14Hz to 250Hz. The smaller ForceField 30 (11.4" W x 16" D x 12.7", 31.5 lbs) uses an 8" driver and 9" x 11" radiator for performance ranging from 18Hz to 250Hz.

Priced at $899 (ForceField 30) and $1,199 (ForceField 40), both models are expected to begin shipping in August.

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Love these new GoldenEar ForceField 30 and 40 Ultra Compact Sub woofers. These are forward firing subs that deliver an excellent and more directional sound-wave footprint than the down-facing subs. Best when set-up in pairs so two of either series delivers exceptional performance and very accurate fidelity in the low frequency tonal range.

GoldenEar's ForceField 30 and 40 Ultra Compact Sub woofers are beautifully engineered for high performance with a minimalist/modern form fit.

I ordered them for our showroom display/demo.
Love my GE ForceField 3 (x2) paired with my Triton 5s. Looking forward to hearing the 30 & 40. My initial thought is I wish they'd have kept the high level input like FF 3 & 4 as it provides a nice option when hooking up to a good integrated amp that doesn't have crossover settings. The FF3s with the 8' forward firing sub and downfiring bass radiator, combined with the 1,000 watt plate amp gives some of the smoothest and impactful bass I've heard ... and I'm comparing them to a pair of SVS PB-3000s I'm running in my home theater. GE subs are wicked good, may have to pick up another pair ... love this hobby!
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Not surprised by both of your comments - GE speakers are definitely legit. There's a great design team behind the company's current lineup. No doubt about it.

I'm guessing these new subs will be at CEDIA. Looking forward to hearing them. I reviewed and consequently purchased a SuperSub X a few years ago. It plays host to bass duties in my home gym. It has excellent, super clean, output. So, I expect a lot from these new 30/40 models. Tho, I'd be shocked if they truly are capable of hitting down in the mid to low teens with little dB loss. I'm guessing they might be able to touch that territory in a smaller room? Perhaps you guys can convince me differently...
I feel better already reading through these comments that my choice to get GE speakers was okay.
Which speakers did you buy?
I Have Triton 5's for my fronts, then the Super Center XL, my surrounds are the Aon 2, then for heights I have four Super Sat 3. My current Subs are 2 of the forcefield 3.
Great lineup! That front three must sound spectacular!
Great lineup! That front three must sound spectacular!
Thanks they are for sure. Just got the Anthem MRX1140 and replaced my Yamaha 2060. Bit of a learning curve for sure, hope to learn lots here and listing to DJ at Brightside. Enjoy your chats on the podcasts as well.