Emotiva to Nix Promotional Sales, Plans for BasX Public Reveals at AXPONA

Emotiva to Nix Promotional Sales, Plans for BasX Public Reveals at AXPONA

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(April 10, 2017) Everyone loves a good deal and, as a consumer, there’s no bigger sting than realizing you’ve paid more for a product than someone else. Consumers also look to manufacturers for assurance that they’re paying for products priced competitively from the factory floor, with mark-ups that are fair and balanced. Emotiva Audio Corporation is one company with a reputation of fair pricing on high-quality gear. And while its prices are routinely low, the company is also known for its aggressive holiday sales promotions.

In a recent letter to customers, Emotiva President Dan Laufman announced his company is removing the promotional sale cycle from its business model. According to Laufman, Emotiva is opting to offer year-long flat prices rather than inflating standard pricing to allow for holiday sales.

“After careful consideration and personal reflection about how I like to be treated as a consumer, we faced a crossroads about how to price our products moving forward,” wrote Laufman. “What we realized is that in order to offer discounted promotions at two or more times a year, we’d have to raise our retail list prices to allow for promotional discounts, and that didn’t sit well with me. We’d be artificially raising our prices in order to put products on sale during promotional periods. Even more concerning, what we’ve learned from our customers is that a promotional sale creates winners and losers. The people that buy at full-price and then see the product go on sale a month or so down the road feels cheated. That didn’t sit well with me.”

He went on to say that Emotiva is no longer interested in playing pricing games, as it goes against the company’s core beliefs. Instead, Emotiva is adopting a model of flat pricing, promising customers the price they see today will be the same price customers will pay in the weeks and months ahead (regardless of upcoming holidays).

“It may not be the attention-seeking sale that draws attention to our brand, but we feel it’s the best strategy for our company and customers,” continued Laufman. “We’d rather cut to the chase and give you the best value, straight away without any of the artificialness.”

In other Emotiva news, the company is planning to hit AXPONA in Chicago with its brand-new budget friendly BasX gear in tow. The BasX line includes both amps, pre-amps, a CD player, speakers, and subwoofers, with incredibly aggressive pricing that allows nearly anyone to have access to quality gear. Early reviews of BasX models have been overwhelmingly positive, which makes the equipment’s first public showing intriguing. The company is also rumored to show a near-production prototype of its 16-channel AV receiver that’s expected to ship sometime during 2017.

Emotiva says it will have its equipment on public display at (Chicago) from April 21 through April 23. Click on the following links for more information about Emotiva and the AXPONA audio event.
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Emotiva to Nix Promotional Sales, Plans for BasX Public Reveals at AXPONA

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(April 10, 2017) Everyone loves a good deal and, as a consumer, there’s no bigger sting than realizing you’ve paid more for a product than someone else. Consumers also look to manufacturers for assurance that they’re paying for products priced competitively from the factory floor, with mark-ups that are fair and balanced. Emotiva Audio Corporation is one company with a reputation of fair pricing on high-quality gear. And while its prices are routinely low, the company is also known for its aggressive holiday sales promotions.

In a recent letter to customers, Emotiva President Dan Laufman announced his company is removing the promotional sale cycle from its business model. According to Laufman, Emotiva is opting to offer year-long flat prices rather than inflating standard pricing to allow for holiday sales.

“After careful consideration and personal reflection about how I like to be treated as a consumer, we faced a crossroads about how to price our products moving forward,” wrote Laufman. “What we realized is that in order to offer discounted promotions at two or more times a year, we’d have to raise our retail list prices to allow for promotional discounts, and that didn’t sit well with me. We’d be artificially raising our prices in order to put products on sale during promotional periods. Even more concerning, what we’ve learned from our customers is that a promotional sale creates winners and losers. The people that buy at full-price and then see the product go on sale a month or so down the road feels cheated. That didn’t sit well with me.”

He went on to say that Emotiva is no longer interested in playing pricing games, as it goes against the company’s core beliefs. Instead, Emotiva is adopting a model of flat pricing, promising customers the price they see today will be the same price customers will pay in the weeks and months ahead (regardless of upcoming holidays).

“It may not be the attention-seeking sale that draws attention to our brand, but we feel it’s the best strategy for our company and customers,” continued Laufman. “We’d rather cut to the chase and give you the best value, straight away without any of the artificialness.”

In other Emotiva news, the company is planning to hit AXPONA in Chicago with its brand-new budget friendly BasX gear in tow. The BasX line includes both amps, pre-amps, a CD player, speakers, and subwoofers, with incredibly aggressive pricing that allows nearly anyone to have access to quality gear. Early reviews of BasX models have been overwhelmingly positive, which makes the equipment’s first public showing intriguing. The company is also rumored to show a near-production prototype of its 16-channel AV receiver that’s expected to ship sometime during 2017.

Emotiva says it will have its equipment on public display at (Chicago) from April 21 through April 23. Click on the following links for more information about Emotiva and the AXPONA audio event.
Yeah, I was surfing yesterday & saw that letter. I suppose I can appreciate the business model. I just wish they would do 7.2.4 with Dirac. Now that would be a game changer!
Yeah, I was surfing yesterday & saw that letter. I suppose I can appreciate the business model. I just wish they would do 7.2.4 with Dirac. Now that would be a game changer!

Someone is going to pull that off soon enough...