Centre speaker upgrade with Dirac amp - Would it make a difference?


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Apr 29, 2020
I have a Monitor Audio Silver C150 center running on a NAD T778 with Dirac applied. Wondered if upgrading the center would make any significant difference if its already Dirac calibrated and whether the manufacturer was relevant, eg could I go to a SVS Ultra Center and Dirac to calibrate it in-line with the fronts? Does exact tonal matching matter if calibration is applied?

Anyone any experience of changing the center in an EQ'd setup and objectively noticed the difference?

typically, conventional wisdom is that you MUST match speakers around the system and many will tell you that this is true. Practically, and for many of us, it doesn't seem to matter all that much. What are you trying to achieve with the change ? Better dialogue, clearer speech ? You have a pretty good center with the Monitor but, if you want to try it, why not purchase an Ultra from Crutchfield where you can return it if it doesn't suit you ?
Always felt like the center is the most important speaker for the content it produces but feels like it could be better and should have more spent on it. I can tweak with center volume, adjusted EQ for uplifted top end to correct hearing (ie age related roll off that we all instead wished (or believe we still have) had flat to 18Khz...) but that could be just adjusting the inherent limitation. Could change to the C350 but its understanding if its really that noticable given the cost differential. Don't have Crutchfield locally so need to find an alternative friendly local stockist who's happy for a 'no sale' option.
Yeah, I have old ears and damaged hearing (tinnitus) myself and am looking at what center channel could help improve dialogue over my current Elac L/C/R Debut 2.0 speakers. The SVS Ultra is one that I am interested in as well but it's a little tall for the space that I have and might have to try the Prime center instead.
I've found that profiling with Dirac contradicting the usual sloped profile of reduced higher frequency, gradual eq'ing to +2ish db over 6Khz improves clarity. This effectively changes to the tonal response of the speaker, like swapping it out for another, hence my post to understand if I end up flat room correcting my C150, would it sound the same as an equally corrected C350 or SVS Prime ultra - ie, does brand and speaker configuration becomes irrelevant (Other than low frequency response) ?
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