Can my USB soundcard support loop back timing reference? Audiogram3


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Feb 28, 2018
Hi everyone,
I've been using this amazing piece of software for years, but have never explored the use of the Loopback Timing Reference feature.

Having looked at the REW help files, at first review it appears my Yamaha Audiogram 3 USB external soundcard would support the feature, but on a closer look at the Yamaha, I'm now not so sure.

The Audiogram 3 has 2 input channels (channel 1 is XLR Mic/instrument + channel 2 is stereo (TS or RCA).
It has 1 stereo output channel (TS or RCA)
When looking through the owners manual for the Audiogram 3, Channel 1 (Mic input with phantom power) connects to both left and right of the output channel.

page 129 has the block diagram, but I've pasted a snip below of the input side of the Audiogram3

If I connect an RCA loop back cable from say left of the Output channel to left input on Channel 2, I can't see how REW can get a "clean" timing signal since the Mic input will be superimposed on top of the loop back signal?

I think I'll need a sound card that keeps the channels separate rather than my Audiogram 3 that connects the Mic input to both stereo outputs?

I'd greatly appreciate your input as to whether my current sound card will support using the REW loopback timing reference?

Best that I can tell from the information you provided, I think your conclusion is right. You will need a different sound card to use a loop back timing reference. In the mean time you can use a speaker source timing reference.