Calibrating DIY microphone


Thread Starter
Nov 5, 2020

I tried to search something, but I always end on how to apply mic calibration file.
But I have a DIY microphone made from WM-61E (I don't know if they are original) and USB Omnitronic MM-2USB calibration microphone.
I measured both mics and now I would like to make correction file for the DIY mic.
Is there any way to do that?

Thank you!
You could use the difference between the responses to make a cal file that would make the DIY mic measure the same as the MM-2USB.
If I do USB - DIY and then DIY + the result I really get the exact same graph as USB (logicaly).
But I'm not able to export it, so if I apply the txt as mic calibration on the measured DIY mic, I also should get same response as USB mic.
The difference is obtained by DIY/USB (using A/B trace arithmetic). Best adjusting level if necessary first so the responses have the same level at a suitable reference, typically around 1 kHz. The result of a trace arithmetic operation can be exported as text like any other measurement, I'm not clear why you say you can't export it?
If I do A/B arithmetic, the calibration works for lower frequencies, but not for higher:
Green if the DIY mic
No calibration loaded:

calibration with A/B (A=DIY, B=USB omnitronic)


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You need to time align the responses and ideally make sure the measurements of each mic are as free of room effects as you can manage.