Attend AV NIRVANA’s AXPONA Room EQ Wizard Master Class, Win a GIK Alpha Series Bass Trap!
One such class will be conducted on behalf of AV NIRVANA by Matthew Poes. This year, Matt is presenting “Room EQ Wizard: Your Path to Bass Nirvana,” a 45 minute discussion about REW and its usefulness for subwoofer integration. Following the class, Matt and other AV NIRVANA staff members will host a live REW demo session at the Saturday JTR Speakers after-party.
Possibly even more exciting, AV NIRVANA and GIK Acoustics have joined forces to host a giveaway at the REW Master Class event. One class attendee will win a free CT Alpha Series corner bass trap. Constructed using rigid fiberglass and a front mounted diffusor plate, Alpha Series traps offer both absorption and diffusion to scatter higher frequencies while absorbing low frequencies. Click here to read all about it!
GIK will have the bass trap at the show. The only stipulation (beyond attending the full class) is that the winning attendee must wait until Sunday (end of show) to take the trap home. Not a bad deal for a world-class home theater product from one of the industry's best!
For complete information about AXPONA, tickets, scheduling, and more, click here.