A link showing Yamaha AVR models over the past 2 or 3 decades.


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Dec 29, 2020
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Yamaha RX-A3060, RX-V1900, RX-V1075
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Yamaha BD-S681, Sony UBP-X800, Oppo BDP-83
Streaming Equipment
BlueSound Node2i
Front Speakers
PSB Image T65, PSB Century 800, PSB Century 300
Center Channel Speaker
PSB Image 8C, PSB Century200, PSB Century 100
Surround Speakers
PSB Image 1B, RBH A600, PSB Alpha Minis
Surround Back Speakers
PSB Image 1B
Rythmik LV12-R, PSB Subsonic 6, PSB Subsonic 5
Video Display Device
UN65KU6491 65"/UN55MU7000 55"/UN50MU7100 50"
Remote Control
Logitech Harmony 650
Nice chart.

It brought to mind all the changes my system has had over the years due toadvancing technology, requiring the retirement of perfectly good equipment. I’ve been partial to the flagship models because they traditionally had pre-out and amp-in connections for the front three channels that allowed the use of high-end external equalizers.

Over the years we’ve had:

DSP-A2070 Dolby Pro-Logic integrated amp-processor (1993).
DSP-A3090 - necessitated by the advent of DVDs and 5.1 audio (1996).
RX-V1 - required for blu-ray players and component video (2006).
RX-Z9 - required for video upconverting of legacy components to component video (2012).
RX-Z7 - required for HDMI once my wife brought in streaming via Roku; this was the only system upgrade she forced (2019).
CX-A5000 - required for discrete dual HDMI outputs. RX-Z7’s dual outputs were not discrete, plus it did not have provisions to connect outboard equalizers. (2022).

The RX-Z9 was brought out of retirement and is used as a multichannel amplifier for the 5000, utilizing the multichannel inputs.

I hope I’m done for a long time. Pending retirement probably won’t allow for these continual upgrades. Fortunately, I’m perfectly fine with standard high-def and have no desire for 4k. Yamaha's current offerings are flat-out ugly so I'll have to change brands, probably to Denon.

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Our first Yamaha product was a DSP-100U surround processor in 1990. When Angie walked in and saw two small Klipsch surround speakers on the back wall, she thought I had gone crazy.

In 2013, we had the Aventage RX-A3020 Receiver. We also had one of their processors... can't remember which one... maybe the CX-A5000?
My first Yamaha was HTR-5990. Built like a tank. Worked flawlessly. It met it‘s demise during a lengthy power sag after a hurricane.

My 3rd and last Yamaha is this guy.. HTR-2030. He’s been retired for several years now. I’m bad at selling things always thinking I may have a use some day. On the shelf above is a NAD T758v3. I’m obviously delusional. :dontknow:

My first Yamaha product was the Ca1010 integrated amp which I purchased when I was assigned to RAF Alconbury...I had a pair of the Audia Technica headphones which required speaker outs to drive them. I would listen to them with the Yamaha in class a mode. Loved that setup. When I had my La Scalas shipped to the USA I also had a Yamaha c4/m4 combo shipped with the matching tuner and a Black Pioneer tangential turntable along with a Nakamichi 680zx. How I miss the old setup!