Another question if you would.
I don't see the environmental conditions for REW.
As in altitude, temperature and humidity.
The acoustic response changes as a function of this, not only because the properties of air changes, but for the materials in the room, as well as the loudspeakers.
Like surely things change for Brandi Stewart's stero system in Death Valley (-85m below sea level) compared to Alejandro Chavez's setup in La Rinconada (5,000m above sea level) in Peru...?
Afterall, the speed of sound at 5,000m is 320 m/s, compared to 340m/sec (or less at Mz Stewart's home).
That's a big difference.
And ambient temperature affects things too
What about Roald Amundsen's little pad at the Antarctic Research station, at -50 C, compared to Amir Mansouri's place in the Sahara, at a toasty 60 C?
OK, a bit of tongue in cheek here, these are perhaps a bit extreme, but for your serious audiophile, the ambient conditions probably overcome 90% of the marketing selling points of the Steihauser Salesman for the platinium-coated speaker cable terminals.