Using REW feed into a Panasonic 9000 player

IWC Doppel

New Member
Thread Starter
Apr 19, 2020
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Naim AV2, Acurus ACT4 -16
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naim 135 monoblocks
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UDP9000
Front Speakers
Sonus Faber Extrema
Center Channel Speaker
Sonus Faber Cremona M
Surround Speakers
Sonus Faber Electa amator
Sonus Faber Cremona M x3
I currently feed REW signal into my system using the RCA analogue cables disconnected from my player fed by a DAC attached to the laptop with REW and this works well, but is doesn't tell me how the whole end to end chain measures. I use HMDI out only for picture and use 7.1 analogue out for audio. To better the performance of the player I have made numerous modifications to the power supply and analogue chain and would be very curious to know how the whole end to end chain measured and not just from the player but to the player, any ideas as I failed to successfully feed anything in to the USB 2.0 via cables. But wondered if I might be able to do something different just to measure the SPL and curves end to end ?

My UHD player is a Panasonic 9000


AV Addict
Aug 13, 2017
Somewhere Northeast of Kansas City Missouri
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium TubePre (2 channel+sub)
Main Amp
McIntosh MC152 SS Amp (2 channel)
Additional Amp
Yamaha RX-A850 Pro (the other 5 channels lol)
Computer Audio
MacBook Pro, Custom i7 7700k De-lid 2xAsus1080ti GFX, Audirvana Studio, Hang Loose Convolver, Tone Projects Michelangelo, Pulsar Massive & 8200, LiquidSonics, SoX
Chord Electronics Ltd. Qutest
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Sony UBP-X700 /M Ultra HD 4K HDR & PS5
Front Speakers
Martin Logan ElectroMotion ESL
Center Channel Speaker
Martin Logan Motion C2
Surround Speakers
Martin Logan Motion 4
Surround Back Speakers
Martin Logan Motion 4 (yes, another set of these)
Martin Logan Dynamo 700
Other Speakers or Equipment
Cifte 12AU7 NOS & Genalex Gold Lion Tubes in Pre
Video Display Device
Samsung The Premiere LSP7T UST Laser Projector
Elite Screens Aeon CLR3 0.8 Gain 103-inch
Remote Control
PrimaLuna, Lumin iApp, Samsung & Yamaha
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Netgear Nighthawk S8000 Streaming Switch, Lumin U1 Mini Streamer Transport
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i may be misunderstanding what you are asking for... And you could try generating (use the REW Generator function) a sweep tone as a .wav file that could be put on a USB jump stick and played directly with your Panasonic 9000... Generator > Sweeps > Measurement > Save to File > Add Timing Reference...

I use this method when I want to go thru my Streamer > DAC > TubedPreAmp > Amp > Speakers...
Last edited:

IWC Doppel

New Member
Thread Starter
Apr 19, 2020
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Naim AV2, Acurus ACT4 -16
Main Amp
naim 135 monoblocks
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UDP9000
Front Speakers
Sonus Faber Extrema
Center Channel Speaker
Sonus Faber Cremona M
Surround Speakers
Sonus Faber Electa amator
Sonus Faber Cremona M x3
Many thanks, I'll give that a go


AV Addict
Aug 13, 2017
Somewhere Northeast of Kansas City Missouri
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium TubePre (2 channel+sub)
Main Amp
McIntosh MC152 SS Amp (2 channel)
Additional Amp
Yamaha RX-A850 Pro (the other 5 channels lol)
Computer Audio
MacBook Pro, Custom i7 7700k De-lid 2xAsus1080ti GFX, Audirvana Studio, Hang Loose Convolver, Tone Projects Michelangelo, Pulsar Massive & 8200, LiquidSonics, SoX
Chord Electronics Ltd. Qutest
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Sony UBP-X700 /M Ultra HD 4K HDR & PS5
Front Speakers
Martin Logan ElectroMotion ESL
Center Channel Speaker
Martin Logan Motion C2
Surround Speakers
Martin Logan Motion 4
Surround Back Speakers
Martin Logan Motion 4 (yes, another set of these)
Martin Logan Dynamo 700
Other Speakers or Equipment
Cifte 12AU7 NOS & Genalex Gold Lion Tubes in Pre
Video Display Device
Samsung The Premiere LSP7T UST Laser Projector
Elite Screens Aeon CLR3 0.8 Gain 103-inch
Remote Control
PrimaLuna, Lumin iApp, Samsung & Yamaha
Streaming Equipment
Netgear Nighthawk S8000 Streaming Switch, Lumin U1 Mini Streamer Transport
Streaming Subscriptions
QoBuz Studio Premier, Amazon Prime & Netflix
Other Equipment
ThrowRug, SaddleBlankets, WideBand & Bass Traps...
On the REW side of things, all you need to do is have it listen for the timing cue to begin its acquisition of room response data...
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