Michael Scott

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Apr 4, 2017
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Cheap Thrills Mains
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Cheap Thrills Center
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Volt 10 Surrounds
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2x Marty subs (full size with SI 18's)
Video Display Device
Sony 85 inch X950H FALD TV
The Weekend

Movie: :2stars:
Video: :4stars:
Audio: :4stars:
Extras: :1.5stars:
Final Score: :2.5stars:


Ahhhh, poor Margo (DeWanda Wise), all she really wanted was a romantic weekend with her yuppy boyfriend Bradford (Tone Bell), who has been dragging his heels on proposing to her. The only thing is, this “vacation” is accompanied by Bradford’s bitter ex, Zadie (SNL alum, Sasheer Zamata) and is AT a bed and breakfast that is owned by Zadi’s mother Karen (Kym Whitley). So yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, lets just say that this isn’t the vacation she dreamed of.

While it may seem from the previous paragraph that this story is told from the point of view of Margo, but really this is Zadie’s story. She’s the one grouching over Bradford leaving to go “find himself” (which is NEVER a good thing for a relationship, like EVER) and coming back with a brand new girlfriend in the form of Margo. However, this was all 3 years ago, and Zadie is still kind of bitterly holding onto the “feel sorry for me” stage of the breakup. Still single and alone she agrees for Bradford to come with her to her parents B&B with Margo (why would you ever invite your Ex and his girlfriend to a vacation?) only to grumble and whine the whole way there.

Upon arriving Zadie is revolted by everything Margo does, using her cynical sense of humor and communication to undermine her at every stage. The only thing that distracts her from her misery is another guest at the B&B named Aubrey (Y’lan Noel), a man who has just suffered a very recent breakup of his own. Naturally the two hit it off, which immediately sets off a chain reaction of events where Bradford begins to show some jealousy over Zadie, Zadie undercutting everyone in the room, and a general mess to spill out onto the proverbial floor.

Honestly, I’m not sure why The Weekend was billed as a comedy. I honestly wouldn’t categorize it as a dramedy either, as the humor is pretty much nonexistent. The very notion that these people would WILLINGLY spend a vacation together, let alone head off into different pairings is about as nonsensical as you can get. I can 100% guarantee you that I’m not going to go on vacation with my single Ex, WITH my wife/girlfriend/whatever with me, as that would be the equivalent of me losing enough sanity to be committed to an asylum. That being said, what really doesn’t work with The Weekend is not just the stupid setup. It’s the acting. Sasheer Zamata has a really hard time trying to flesh out her persona in a film, instead coming off as one of the most unlikable and unfunny characters I have ever seen. In fact, I’d say that the only likable character in the entire film is poor Margo. She may be portrayed as kind of ditzy in Zadie’s eyes, but the poor girl just wants a vacation with her man, and EVERYONE else is just intent on betraying trust, hooking up, or just being plain bitter and angry. Nothing comes off as natural or organic, but instead feels like the product of harshly cut dialog is meant to be “edgy” or “cool”. At the end of the day the one thing that you can take away from The Weekend is this. DON’T GO ON A ROMANTIC VACATION AND BRING YOUR BITTER EX ALONG!


Rated R for some language.

Video: :4stars:
I once again can’t seem to find much information about what cameras were used and how the film was shot, but I would bet my last nickel that this follows in the tradition of most modern films of today and is a digital shoot. Especially when you factor in the glossy look of The Weekend combined with zero film grain. The colors are natural for the most part, but interior shots can take on a honey and wheat colored glow to them combined with some dark lighting. There’s a few moments of digital noise in those really dark shots, as well as some black crush, but neither are very noticeable unless you’re looking for them. Faces and skin tones are remarkably accurate, and fine detailing across the board is excellent. It’s not AS razor sharp as some new films, but this is a very well done picture with very little to say negatively about it.

Audio: :4stars:
The accompanying 5.1 DTS-HD MA track is about on par with the video score. This is first and foremost a dramedy, and as such there’s not a whole lot going on sonically outside of the dialog. Meaning a very front heavy mix that really just utilizes the surrounds and sub channel for the score and a few ambient noises, such as being at dinner, or hearing cars in the background. Otherwise this is really a 3.1 track that creeps in just enough surround usage to be full fledged. Said dialog is always crisp and clear, vocals are deep and resonant, and I can find no problems with the front of the room in the soundstage. LFE is soft and appropriate, only coming out to accentuate the score, or when a car rumbles to a stop nearby. Simple, effective, but not exactly a show stopper either.

Extras: :1.5stars:
• Audio Commentary with Writer-Director Stella Meghie and Actors Sasheer Zamata and DeWanda Wise
• Theatrical Trailer
• Lionsgate Previews

Final Score: :2.5stars:

Despite how much I enjoyed Sasheer Zamata’s SNL career, she just hasn’t found a way to make her stage persona work in a motion picture. The Weekend is a tone deaf production that is played out in such a Debby Downer sort of way and soaked in sarcasm and dry “humor” that I actually wondered whether or not we were supposed to even THINK about smiling, let alone laughing, during the 86 minute runtime. There are some good dialog moments here and there, but the rest of it is so banal and so depressingly unlikable that you really don’t have any emotional connection with anyone besides Margo! Lionsgate’s Blu-ray is technically well done, with only the extras being the weakest link in the technical aspects of it. Sadly the movie is boring and forgettable, with an unlikable cast and acting that falls flatter than a pancake. Personally I’d skip it.

Technical Specifications:

Starring: Sasheer Zamata, Tone Bell, DeWanda Wise, Kym Whitley, Y'lan Noel, Josefina Landeros
Directed by: Stella Meghie
Written by: Stella Meghie
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1 AVC
Audio: English: DTS-HD MA 5.1
Sugtitles: English SDH, Spanish
Studio: Lionsgate
Rated: R
Runtime: 86 minutes
Blu-ray Release Date: November 12th 2019

Recommendation: Skip It



AV Addict
Jul 13, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
NAD T-777
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Oppo 103 Blu Ray Player
Streaming Subscriptions
Sony PS4 Gaming Console, Panamax MR-5100 Surge
Front Speakers
7 Paradigm Reference series 8" in ceiling speakers
2 Paradigm SE Subs
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Nintendo Wii U Gaming Console
Video Display Device
Samsung UN75F8000 LED TV
Remote Control
Universal Remote MX-450
Thanks for the review. Will skip it based on your review. :)
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