Calibrating the Soundcard - RME Fireface UFX


New Member
Thread Starter
Feb 11, 2019

This is my first thread here. I am a new user of REW, I started using it some days ago. It's really amazing.

I have doubts with the calibration of the soundcard. The manual says I have to connect one line output to one line input, using the same inputs and outputs of calibration.

I use a beyerdynamic mm1 mic, and it's connected to the input 9. Input 9 is instrument input, and have a gain knob from 0 to 65. Obviously, it's not a line input.

It seems I am missing something....

Furthermore, line inputs and outpouts have the following gain options: -10dBV, +4dBu, Lo Gain. It doesn't matter what option I select for calibrating the soundcard? Is it necessary that input and output have the same gain selection?

Thanks for helping me and regards from Barcelona!!!

The main benefit of the loopback measurement is making sure there is no monitoring active. The instrument input with the gain turned down should be fine to drive from an output, if you use -10 dBV on the output that should keep the levels down.
The main benefit of the loopback measurement is making sure there is no monitoring active. The instrument input with the gain turned down should be fine to drive from an output, if you use -10 dBV on the output that should keep the levels down.

Hi John, thanks for your reply.

Following your advice, I will calibrate the soundcard with next configuration:
Input: Mic with Gain at 0
Output: Set to -10 dBV

The fader of both channels turned down to zero also?

Thanks a lot!
The fader of the input instrument channel controls the volume of the audio signal from this instrument channel to the output chnnel.
The fader of the output channel controls the volume of the audio signal from this output channel to the monitors.
Just for finishing this thread, here is the summary for other users that can come here.

The right configuration of TotalMix for calibration an RME soundcard like Fireface UFX is:
Input: Mic with Gain at zero & Fader to zero
Output: Set to -10 dBV & Fader to zero
Hi, I also have a RME UFX II and I can't get the calibration done. Do I have to physically connect an output to an input or can I use the loopback built-in loopback feature in TotalMix FX?

What should I select in the REW preferences for "Output", "Input", "Timing reference output" and "Loopback input"?
The loopback measurement has two purposes. It makes sure there is no monitoring active, which would invalidate the measurements by feeding input signals back to the outputs causing comb filtering, and it allows the response of the parts of the system that we aren't interested in measuring to be compensated for and removed from the final results. Loopback calibration uses a physical connection between the input and output that will be used when making measurements. The timing reference connections (loopback input and timing reference output) are not used.