Michael Scott
Partner / Reviewer
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- Sony 85 inch X950H FALD TV
A Ghost Story
Final Score:




Final Score:

It’s that time of year again! Ghosts, goblins, ghouls, blood n gore, and good old art house dramas? Well, despite the tile and cover, A Ghost Story is about as much a horror film as Pride and Prejudice is. The story is a sweet and languid romantic look back over a man’s life and his wife’s grieving after he dies. The film is pure art house and I must warn viewers that these types of films are highly polarizing due to really only hitting a unique audience unlike your average blockbuster superhero film. There are some fantastic performances by a white sheet (sorry I couldn’t help it), as well Rooney Mara’s excellent portrayal as a grieving widow, otherwise this is best known as a moving picture. A living representation of a piece of art that you just sit back and let wash over you instead of trying to dissect a complex plot. Visuals are KEY to the experience, and in that the movie succeeds brilliantly.
The film opens up with an unnamed couple reminiscing about their home and life before they appear to be moving out of it. Casey Affleck (credited as C in the credits) is a bit reticent about leaving though, as you can tell that he has some attachment to the abode. His wife (played by Rooney Mara, credited as “M”) is obviously frustrated at C’s reticence to move, but it seems that her fears may turn out to be unwarranted. C ends up in a car accident right outside of their home and dies on the operating table. As M sobs her way back home, C stands up off the morgue table completely covered in his bedsheet with the child’s “eye holes” cut out like a fantasy ghost. The spirit wanders home where he begins to benignly haunt his old home, watching his wife grieve, move on, and even experience a high rise being built in the home that he was so loathe to depart from.
The movie has next to no dialog, but Mara and Affleck give some great performances through emotive expressions and body language more than anything else. Mara is perfect as the grieving widow, as Lowery uses some incredible shots that show little to no cuts in the editing process. Some of these are emotionally powerful, while others feel extended and drawn out with their art house nature. One in particular shows M sitting on the floor for a FULL 5 minutes just eating away her grief with a pumpkin pie. Other shots show C wandering around the house just looking at things like his emotions are detached due to not having a corporeal body.
Lowery’s biggest storytelling device is stillness, showing us the characters and their grief and motivation through simple tranquility and languid relaxation. Nothing is every hurried or rushed through the film, and the story just unfolds as a viewing experience into the grieving life of a widow, as well as a spirit who finds his peace in the place that he never wanted to leave.
Rated R for brief language and a disturbing image



• "A Ghost Story and the Inevitable Passing of Time" Featurette
• "A Composer's Story" Featurette
• Deleted Scene
Final Score:

As much as the time of year and the cover of the movie would like to have you believe, A Ghost Story is not a horror film, and not meant to scare or make you jump. It’s a very quiet drama that is pretty much pure experimental art house. Naturally that won’t be for everyone and I can fully understand why. Even I, who loves art house films, tend to feel that the movie is overly pretentious and stylized for its own good at times. It’s one of those films where you are the target audience for the little on screen play, or you are not, and I was just sadly not one of those people. I loved the music, I loved the camera work, but the film just didn’t emotionally resonate with me as much as I hoped it would have. The audio and video are great for the intended purpose, and the extras pretty decent. Personally I would rent A Ghost Story before I purchased due to the fact that it will be a love it or hate type of experience for 99% of people.
Technical Specifications:
Starring: Casey Affleck, Rooney Mara, McColm Cephas Jr.
Directed by: David Lowery
Written by: David Lowery
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1 AVC
Audio: English: DTS-HD MA 5.1
Studio: Lionsgate
Rated: R
Runtime: 92 Minutes
Blu-ray Release Date: October 3rd, 2017
Recommendation: Acquired Taste
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