I will eventually create a finalized showcase that includes the finished product of nearly 5 years worth of work along with the design ideas and inspirations I used to create this space.
Being that both my wife and I work from home and spend the vast majority of time here, we really wanted a space that we didn't quickly become bored with. I think that we have accomplished that.
We also wanted a space that we could share with our friends and family as we enjoy entertaining and want our guests to feel as at home as possible.
So without further adieu, I give you the pictorial history of The Blank Slate Cinema and The MacGillivray Pub.
(Edit: Revised images and order. The bar, my office and storage room will be the first series of pictures followed by the theater progress in a subsequent reply).
Starting with the bar area how it looked about 2 months after we moved in. I had the first wall of my office up before the first week in the new house was up. We needed that for the dedicated 100 amp drop to get installed that following week.
Being that both my wife and I work from home and spend the vast majority of time here, we really wanted a space that we didn't quickly become bored with. I think that we have accomplished that.
We also wanted a space that we could share with our friends and family as we enjoy entertaining and want our guests to feel as at home as possible.
So without further adieu, I give you the pictorial history of The Blank Slate Cinema and The MacGillivray Pub.
(Edit: Revised images and order. The bar, my office and storage room will be the first series of pictures followed by the theater progress in a subsequent reply).
Starting with the bar area how it looked about 2 months after we moved in. I had the first wall of my office up before the first week in the new house was up. We needed that for the dedicated 100 amp drop to get installed that following week.