Dolph-Chebyshev 150 window noise floor


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Dec 16, 2019
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When testing a Topping D10b DAC at different output voltages in loopback with a Cosmos E1DA ADC I noticed that the spectral noise floor of the Dolph-Chebyshev 150 window varies with the signal amplitude.
Both the noise level and its variance, i.e the line thickness, are affected.
No other in-built spectral window displays such behaviour.
The spectra in the attachment were obtained at the respective levels of -1.26, -7.28, and -60dBFS (top to bottom), FFT 512k, overlap 87.5%, 64 averages.


  • Dolph-Cbyshev_150_Noise_Floor.png
    24.2 KB · Views: 13

John Mulcahy

REW Author
Apr 3, 2017
You can see that effect with several window types when the stimulus is not periodic within the window, dramatically with rectangular of course, but also with Blackman-Harris 4 and Flat-top, for example. Choose a window to suit your measurement noise floor, such as Blackman-Harris 7, Dolph-Chebyshev 200 or Cosine Sum 9-235.


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Dec 16, 2019
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Nubert NuLine 32
I'm not using D-C 150 window in my work (I'm using Blackman-Harris 7 most of the time), but I ran across this peculiarity of the D-C150 and thought it worth mentioning.

In addition to the signal amplitude, the Dolph-Chebyshev 150 window appears to be also dependent on the overlap fraction.
The first attachment shows a series of ten successive measurements at the same signal level where the noise floor randomly varies between -151 and -162dBFS. While the THD is correct and consistent in all 10 runs, THD+N varies between -99.4 and -107.2dBFS.
Using the overlap of 87.5% the results remain consistent (att. 2, violet tracks, 10 runs), but the noise track is wrong as regards the value, and in comparison with the result obtained with the Blackman-Harris 7 (the orange track) doesn't look right.

This behaviour could be quite a burden for an inexperienced user.

BTW, REW has been my standard tool for a few years, and as an ex-developer of large simulation software systems I appreciate very much John's efforts to make it better with every new release.


  • Dolph-Chebyshev 150 Overlap 75 -1dB3 FS.png
    Dolph-Chebyshev 150 Overlap 75 -1dB3 FS.png
    39.9 KB · Views: 6
  • D-C 150 Overlap 87pc5 vs B-H 7 16 averages.png
    D-C 150 Overlap 87pc5 vs B-H 7 16 averages.png
    32.3 KB · Views: 6

John Mulcahy

REW Author
Apr 3, 2017
This behaviour could be quite a burden for an inexperienced user.
Perhaps, but that's how windows behave. D-C 150 is optimised for all sidelobe amplitudes to be 150 dB down. If the measurement noise floor is lower than that it isn't a good choice.


Thread Starter
Dec 16, 2019
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
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Hypex UcD180HG
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Oppo BD105D
Streaming Subscriptions
Thorens TD125 Mk. II
Front Speakers
Nubert NuLine 32
Thank you for the quick response.

It might be called nit-picking, and I promise not to push this matter any more, but all other windows in REW do not have any problems with my low-noise floor.
Among them are the humble Hann window with its first sidelobe at -31dB and Blackman-Harris 4 at -92dB.
The attachment shows a succession of measurements at -1.3dBFS with all REW windows, with the exception of the rectangular and Dolph-Chebyshev 150.
In terms of V/rtHz they all converge to the same noise floor value, as expected.


  • REW windows at -1dB3 FS.png
    REW windows at -1dB3 FS.png
    23.1 KB · Views: 5
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