New Week-End Setup based on New Display!


I was stunned by the Sony OLEDs that Robert Zohn showed at the NY Audio Show last November and I bought a 65" A8G from him. It replaced a sturdy but ancient 55" Fujitsu plasma. I had to modify the acoustic treatments and in-wall cables but it is finally up and running. Very happy.

For the record, those are 12x48x2" fiberglass panels flanking the display and a 12x26x96" fiberglas soffit below to hide the speaker cables. (The visible subwoofer cables are temporary.)
Speakers are Monitor Audio Silver 8 and the subs are JL Audio e110 with a pair of Silver 2 for the surrounds and a supplementary Paradigm Sub15. The Silver 2s sit on fiberglas-filled open-frame stands in the rear corners.



Hello there, beautiful! Thanks for sharing this...

Those front three (Monitor Audio Silver 8)... it looks like you have three towers that share the same driver array, but the left and right channels have position-specific cabinets?
Hello there, beautiful! Thanks for sharing this...
Those front three (Monitor Audio Silver 8)... it looks like you have three towers that share the same driver array, but the left and right channels have position-specific cabinets?
Nope. They are identical and interchangeable.
Interesting Kal... I know that speakers are some really nice sounding speakers. I sat in a room at Capital City Audiofest a few years ago and came oh so close to buying their setup. I spent quite a bit of time in that room. They have them a bit farther out from the wall... and I was amazed at how good the sound was.

I bet that plasma weighed twice the OLED. We replaced our plasma and it took two of us to take it down... and I could pick up the LED we got by myself.
Kal, all I can say is... Wow that's a beautiful reference multi channel audio and video system! Love your TV, speaker choices and the premium a/v dealer you purchased that stunning Sony OLED TV from!

Thanks for sharing your home theater set-up so we can all see how a professional set-up his personal reference a/v system.
I bet that plasma weighed twice the OLED. We replaced our plasma and it took two of us to take it down... and I could pick up the LED we got by myself.
Oh yes. At least twice the weight of the OLED. I am surprised that the two of us even got the Fujitsu down the front steps in one piece.
Congratulations Kal! Looks like you are all set for the holiday week-end and however much longer they have for lockdown. Question, are you still using the Marantz 8805 and the Exasound E38 multi-channel DAC? How do you have them connected? Source>E38>8805? THANKS
Nice. Are you getting perceptually smooth bass relatively center seated or a bit more spread in room?

Nice. Are you getting perceptually smooth bass relatively center seated or a bit more spread in room?
Good question. I am only really concerned about the center seat and that's really good. I haven't much thought about the rest but I'll try to pay attention to it next time we are there.

FWIW, the three subs are connected and EQ'd by a DSPeaker X-4 which is fed by a single SW line from the Marantz AV8805. Overall, EQ is applied by the Audyssey XT32 app.
Good question.
Actually it was based on my poor reading. I saw the 2 "up front" subs pictured, but missed that you had a 3rd (Paradigm) sub somewhere not pictured, despite your mention in the text.
I have found 3 to be sufficient for most medium sized rooms in terms of limited area coverage.

FWIW, the three subs are connected and EQ'd by a DSPeaker X-4 which is fed by a single SW line from the Marantz AV8805. Overall, EQ is applied by the Audyssey XT32 app.
Ahh, "mono" bass eh? I thought you were a classical guy :)

Yes but, also, a practical guy.
Hah.Amazon Echo or Sonos is "practical". 5 speakers, 3 subs, discrete MCH music, not so much ;-).
Discrete MCH classical music with non mono bass, for sure. 3 subs is plenty enough for non mono, perceptually smooth bass.


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Finished Home Theaters / AV Systems
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Kal Rubinson
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