Magneplanar listening room with the Rooze setup.


Very interesting to say the least. If nothing else it looks cool.

I might have to try this with my MartinLogans.

Is the pic taken from the primary listening position?
I shot it from about 2ft behind the primary listening position (the red couch) but the perspective is similar to if you were standing at that position. Imagine the sound from the 3.7's bouncing off the gray panels on the side walls at 45 degrees and converging at the listening position. The soundstage has great depth, and depending on the recording can appear to be wider than the room.
Wow, Lots of diffusion and bass traps for sure! I am sure sound is great there.
It sounds great but took a lot of tweaking! Originally I had all absorption on the front wall (before I did the Rooze setup). I added diffusion gradually and found that it just made everything sound better without hurting the image.
Great room! One question...why do you have absorption panels under the tv?
Actually just to cover the glass shelf, because I have an absorber that I stand on there to cover the TV screen and I don't want it to slide. I do find that with the rear wave from the Magneplanars and other room reflections it sounds better if i cover the TV.
Sounds like you are a candidate for front projection with a AT screen if you like watching movies. With a projector, and a AT screen you would not have the reflection problems, I think.
Sounds like you are a candidate for front projection with a AT screen if you like watching movies. With a projector, and a AT screen you would not have the reflection problems, I think.

I have thought about that. This is an 11 year old Panasonic 58" plasma. When the time comes to replace it I'll have to weigh a projector vs a 77" LG OLED, I think. Probably more to lose going to the projector than I'd gain sonically.
Projectors are getting brighter, and with Laser no bulbs to worry about, plus you can go as big as you want. Not to mention you can even get a matching center with a drop down AT screen. Just my 2 cents.
Projectors are getting brighter, and with Laser no bulbs to worry about, plus you can go as big as you want. Not to mention you can even get a matching center with a drop down AT screen. Just my 2 cents.

Oh yeah and I will consider the projector when the time comes. Right now I'm 10ft from the TV so going bigger will be needed for 4K.
I like to see what the REW measurements look like out of curiosity... with that speaker placement especially.
Here's a recent REW with Left, Right, Center and LFE. This is with Dirac Live. I'll see if I have a plot without Dirac. There is a huge peak at 40Hz and a huge null at 60Hz. I would say the Rooze setup causes more of those ripples above 200Hz ... but they aren't big, and overall I like the sound.


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With DL is fine. I don't see too many somewhat flat responses like that, but I suppose with you angling the speakers at the side walls as you do it makes sense that it would probably work, as you are getting the direct sound.
Ironically... I searched Google for "rooze speaker setup" and this thread shows up first page Google. lol...

So it's seems so simple. I don't see what the MartinLogans would not work, although they might need to be tilted forward to be perpendicular to the wall, rather than being tilted back. I'm gonna have to try it just to see how it sounds... a fun project one rainy day.
With DL is fine. I don't see too many somewhat flat responses like that, but I suppose with you angling the speakers at the side walls as you do it makes sense that it would probably work, as you are getting the direct sound.

I worked hard at it Sonnie ... lots of moving speakers around and rerunning DL. I also have an unusual setup on the low end using two subs and a Magnepan DWM. The center channel runs to the DWM and it crosses up to the CC5 at 200Hz. But the sub output goes to the MiniDSP which feeds front/rear subs and the other voice coil on the DWM. Surrounds cross over at 100Hz. That way I get Magnepan bass down to 50Hz. I have to work on that dip in the center channel where it crosses to the sub at 40Hz.
Rooze is named by a guy names Rooze who first posted about it several years ago. It's basically variations on aiming the Magnepans away from the listener. You put them as far from the front wall as you can, and then point them at the side walls 45 degrees and tweak the distances and angles. Threads can be found on Planar Speaker Asylum with good commentary. There's another Magnepan variation called HK Limage, named for a guy named Li from Hong Kong. With that you have a big empty room, put the speakers around 40% from one wall and point them away, and sit BEHIND them!
Sonnie I turned them one day and it immediately blew my mind ... spent four months tweaking and actually added the gray reflective wall panels eventually. I found that with the slight back angle the response was smoother and especially impulse response. BTW DL is real hard to calibrate because the wider 9 position measurement gets a mix of direct and reflected sound and it sometimes flips the polarity.
Yeah... I suspect it can present some challenges for Dirac, especially on the timing.

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