
  1. Todd Anderson

    Naim Unveils Its Uniti Nova PE Streamer at ISE 2024 – An Elite Streamer with Muscle!

    (February 1, 2024) Naim has bolstered its Uniti platform with its beefiest member yet. The all-new Uniti Nova PE, or "Power Edition," stands as the company's top-shelf all-in-one player and stereo amplifier, and a burly companion designed to mate with demanding hi-fi loudspeakers. At its...
  2. Flak

    First streamers featuring Dirac Live® digital room correction

    The first high performance streamers featuring digital room correction by Dirac Live® have just been announced by miniDSP and raise the bar for high definition audio streaming. The larger SHD is housed in a full rackmount enclosure (one rack unit) with an OLED front panel. It features AKM 32bit...
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