
  1. O

    Topt in RT60 not changing

    Hi, would anyone know why the Topt is not changing after I have put the room dimensions in the room simulator? I tried saving the file and re-stating REW but it stays the same. It is essentially the same graph as the T20 and T30 but it should be different since It represents a target or...
  2. U

    Resonance and RT60 : how to analyse low frequencies ?

    Hi everyone, First, let me introduce my situation : I'm a french student who works on a project dealing with acoustics in water infrastructures. I thus have to compare 2 solutions that could provide to reduce the RT60 in these infrastructures. However, I tested these 2 solutions (stretched...
  3. S

    Long RT60 measurements

    Hello, first thank you for this absolute weapon of a software. Amazing work! Now my question: Sometimes I would like to measure space with long reverberation (>3sec.). Is there a way how to tell the REW to "wait" between repetitions? Beacause with the long RT60 times there is still reverberance...
  4. C

    REW RT60 Data Panel

    Hi, I'm currently looking at the RT60 data panel in REW and I noticed that occasionally there are missing values: Could anyone explain why this happens? Thanks Cameron
  5. F

    External signal for measuring reverbation time in REW

    Hello, I´m quite newbie here, so please take that in account. I recently bought UMIK-1 measuring microphone. I´m interested especially in measuring reverbation time of bigger rooms, RT60. Yesterday I tried to measure RT60 using sweep sound implemented in REW. However at school, we used gun...
  6. T

    RT60 at low frequencies ?

    I'm trying to measure reverberation time in my listening room. For some reason I do not get any shown on the graphs below 63Hz. I have tried to set the Buffer size to 128k and setting the measuring length to 1M, but this do not change getting data below 63Hz in RT60. Adjusting Analysis settings...
  7. Chris Lineau

    RT60 Reverberation Time Measurement Variations

    Hi guys, first of all hello to all of you! I think it is great we have such a platform here to discuss REW! I managed to successfully install and calibrate REW and all SPL graphs look fine and are approx. the same no matter how often I measure, but when I want to measure the RT60 I have big...
  8. narut titayangkurn

    EDT, T20, T30: psycho-acoustic

    EDT, T20, T30: Hi there, the measurement can give us the values of this RT time. My questions are - Is there any book that describes how human feel about this EDT, T20, T30 - If we are to optimize the room to have an optimal RT time which value should we focus on? - Is there a standard that...