home theater news

  1. Todd Anderson

    Win the Home Theater Experience of a Lifetime Compliments of FAQNatics! That and More on the Latest HTNR Podcast Episode 8.19.24

    (August 19, 2024) On the latest HTNR Podcast, we head back to 1982 to check out a landmark tech release, then shift to news with a giveaway promotion that will land you at the largest home theater event of the year, FOR FREE. We’ll also dig into Trinnov’s big announcement and the most...
  2. Todd Anderson

    Home Theater News Review Podcast: Episode 4.15.24

    (April 15, 2024) On this week's episode of AV NIRVANA's Home Theater News Review, we talk shop about Klipsch, Cambridge Audio, and Kaleidescape. We also touch on LG and Roku's troubles in the world of cyber-hacking. We also take a look at what @Michael Scott has reviewed in the last week, talk...
  3. Todd Anderson

    Home Theater News Review Podcast: Episode 12.11.2023

    (December 11, 2023) On this episode of HTNR, we dive into the world of Trinnov, talk about a new Pioneer firmware release, discuss LG's environmental achievement, and more. We also talk about disc sales, recent reviews, and reveal a few incredible sales on highly affordable AVR models. You can...
  4. Todd Anderson

    Home Theater News Review: HTMR 12.4.2023

    (December 4, 2023) On the latest HTNR, we talk about the biggest news stories of the week, including HARMAN's acquisition of Roon, LG Display's OLED panel production numbers, a new subwoofer from ATC, and more. Travis Ballstadt drops in with an advanced look at has B&W review that launches next...
  5. Todd Anderson

    Catch Up on the Biggest News in the Industry with HTMR, June 2023!

    (June 9, 2023) Hey, home theater fans! In this episode of HTMR, @Michael Scott and I recap the month of May 2023. The show is designed to be a quick-hit, one-stop recap of the biggest news happening in the world of home theater for the month prior. Of course, you can catch up on our latest movie...
  6. Todd Anderson

    Catch Up on the Biggest News in the Industry with HTMR, April 2023!

    (May 4, 2023) Hey, home theater fans! In this episode of HTMR, @Michael Scott and I recap the month of April 2023. The show is designed to be a quick-hit, one-stop recap of the biggest news happening in the world of home theater for the month prior. Of course, you can catch up on our latest...