Recent content by twelti76

  1. T


    It would be a nice option to be able to retain the captured data. I find it useful sometimes. I don't think my current laptop would break a sweat, storage-wise. Might not be that trivial to code though I guess.
  2. T

    Filtered IR

    Good point, it just looks different. Surprising how much!
  3. T

    Filtered IR

    Is there any reason a "Filtered IR" with no filters selected/enabled should look different than the regular IR?
  4. T


    Ah, that does sound familiar now that you mention it. Thanks.
  5. T


    I haven't often looked at the "Captured" data. Seems like when I do there is nothing there. I've zoomed in/out to full exents, don't see anything. The measurement itself (transfer function) looks fine, just some excessive pre-ringing on one measurement, and I was curious to see the raw data...
  6. T

    Small fix

    Nevermind! Looks like it was fixed in the last release.
  7. T

    Small fix

    I do a lot of opening and saving files. One thing always bugs me. The default column width for file name is too small. I find myself CONSTANTLY expanding it so I can read the file name each time. I assume it would be fairly trivial to increase the default width...? maybe remove the file...
  8. T

    Save path

    A great fix would be to link all the paths for all the different import/export save/load functions, of which there are a LOT. So that way when I move to a new task/project, I don't have to keep changing each and every path. I change to a new path for one task, like loading a new file, and all...
  9. T

    Explain what trace Arithmetic is doing

    Yes that is a good idea. I wasn't thinking about using these measurements in this way when I made them. Anotherr way to get around this could be to band pass the IR. I have done this before. Of course, that won't fix the issue of the window being in the wrong place! I wonder if there might...
  10. T

    Explain what trace Arithmetic is doing

    Thanks, I've been lurking for a while, saving up a few worms!
  11. T

    Explain what trace Arithmetic is doing

    That IS weird! I made those A/B trace arithmetic plots all at the same time, one after the other. The windows for the source measurements are all the same. I wonder how the heck that window got goobered up then? It looks like maybe in that particular A/B, the artifact that shows up outside...
  12. T

    Explain what trace Arithmetic is doing

    and the file attached...
  13. T

    Explain what trace Arithmetic is doing

    Maybe this is a good place to dump my can of worms! I have tried using the A/B several times recently. In most of these instances, I wanted to divide out a near field measurement from an in-room measurement, to normalize and remove the effect of the source. I seem to get very erratic results...
  14. T

    Alignment issues

    I'm having trouble aligning 2 measurements. Actually I have 3 measurements. One is a nearfield meas of a subwoofer. The other two are in opposite corners of the room. One of the corner measurements aligns fine with the reference nearfield measurement, the other one not so much. The second...
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