Recent content by strider445

  1. S

    RTA Questions

    Thanks for the prompt and thorough replies to my prior inquiries. If my goal is to determine if the RTA is accurately displaying the sound in a room, what would be the best way to check that?
  2. S

    Sound Card Calibration help

    Apparently I'm not very good at this. I've been working all morning to calibrate the M-Audio MobilePre external sound card that I'm using, and I can't seem to get graphs that look anything like the tutorials I've read from the rew manual or youtube videos. I attached some pictures to hopefully...
  3. S

    RTA Questions

    Am I correct in assuming that if the microphone is off and/or unplugged that the RTA should be a flat line at 0 dB?
  4. S

    RTA Questions

    Thanks for the quick reply. Do you have any idea why the RTA meter would be displaying fluctuating data when the microphone is unplugged? I can't seem to figure out why any data would be presented in the microphone's absence much less the dynamic fluctuations that are observed.
  5. S

    RTA Questions

    Hi guys, Something seems a bit wrong with the RTA for me. The variance or dB range is about 15dB in a quiet room, and when I unplug the microphone completely, the graph still shows ~30dB and fluctuates rapidly. Additionally, I suspected something was wrong when testing my sub amp in the low...
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