Recent content by spalmgre

  1. S

    Audiolense XO Stability Experience

    I have not bought the XO license as I have had great problems with the stability. So I have not used the software as a regular user. But I have used the trial version that actually let me use all features but the saving of the calculated filters. I have experienced most of my trouble with the...
  2. S

    Audiolense XO Stability Experience

    I have wanted to buy XO Audiolence but I get serious stability problems using the trial versions. I'm a software entrepreneur for over 30 years and I could never be able to run a business with this level of problems. I have really tried several times during the last 7 years to get the different...
  3. S

    Sub routing w/second sub routing specified 50/50

    I also like to hear an answer to this. Multisub setup can be simulated if the main speakers do go low enough. The advantages would be more sound pressure but more importantly even sound field. MSO software deals with this but does not produce FIR filters.
  4. S

    Focus Fidelity Releases Impala, an All-New Freeware Measurement Application

    I have been using REW for many years and have now tried Impala to compare them. Impala is much easier to use when using it for what it's meant for. These are multipoint measurements of two stereo speakers. Impala measures both channels in one sweep. So 8 position measurement is 8 sweeps when...
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