Recent content by Barry Rudolph

  1. B

    Whats your thoughts on passive room mode treatment?

    Well I would disagree about you assessment of passive absorbers but that's another discussion really. You are incorrect it equating the PSI Audio AVAA units--to a phase-inverted subwoofers--in fact they emit no sound at all because they work on the build up of pressure at the boundaries--notably...
  2. B

    Whats your thoughts on passive room mode treatment?

    I've had very good results with my two PSI Audio AVAA Active traps on the floor in the left ands right front corners. My mix room is 2.9-meters wide, 2.45 m high and 3.6-m long. I'm due to do some new measurements having replace my main monitors recently and I'll post those soon. With the AVAAs...
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