Monolith HTP-1 16-Channel Processor


Senior Admin
Staff member
Thread Starter
Apr 2, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
StormAudio ISP Elite 24 MK3 Processor
Main Amp
McIntosh MC1.25KW Monoblock Amps
Additional Amp
StormAudio PA 16 MK3
Computer Audio
Intel NUC w/ Roon ROCK
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UB9000 4K UHD Player (for media discs)
Front Speakers
RTJ 410
Center Channel Speaker
MartinLogan Focus C-18
Front Wide Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT
Surround Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Surround Back Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Front Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Middle Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Rear Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
JTR Captivators - 4000ULF-TL x2 + 2400 x6
Other Speakers or Equipment
VTI Amp Stands for the Monoblocks
Video Display Device
Sony 98X90L
Remote Control
AVA Cinema
Streaming Equipment
Kaleidescape | Lenova X1 - Intel NUC for Roon
Streaming Subscriptions
Lifetime Roon Subscription
Amazon Prime
Satellite System
Dish Joey 4K
Other Equipment
Zero Surge 8R15W-1 | Salamander Synergy Equipment Stand
I suppose since I have decided to keep the Monolith HTP-1 processor, I'll start a post with some of my experiences with it. This first post is not all inclusive by any means, but more or less a kick-off so that I can have a place to share some thoughts from time to time. The unit is a fairly good looking unit in my opinion, and the display is plenty bright. Love all the XLR pre-outs... they thought of everything it seems.


This may well be the most budget friendly 16-channel processor with Dirac Live that isn't plagued with issues. Thus far, my experience with it has been excellent. My favorite part is the IP control of the unit vs an on-screen menu. This may not be preferable for some if you don't keep a laptop in your listening room or area, but for me it's perfect since I am an avid user of Roon.

Product page from Monoprice website:

Latest User Manual as of 11/10/2020: HTP-1 User Manual 11/10/2020

AVS Support Thread - You can always contact Monoprice support, however the wait times can be several days or even a week+. It's not that they have poor service, it's simply that they, like many other businesses, are working under unusual conditions during the COVID times. Posting in the AVS support thread may yield you a faster solution to any issues you may be experiencing, short of having to actually contact support.

Custom Web UI - see screenshots below.

Full specs copied from the product page at Monoprice:

Model HTP-1
Part Number 37887
Video Inputs 8x HDMI®
Audio‑Only Inputs 2x analog stereo RCA, 3x digital coaxial, 3x digital optical, 1x AES/EBU, 1x HDMI ARC/eARC
Streaming Inputs Bluetooth® and Roon®
Video Outputs 1x HDMI ARC/eARC, 1x HDMI
Audio Outputs 16-channels balanced XLR line outputs, unbalanced stereo analog RCA
Triggers 1x 12V trigger input, 4x 12V trigger outputs
HDMI Version 2.0b
HDCP™ Version 2.3
Maximum Video Resolution 4K@60Hz UHD
Audio Frequency Response 20Hz ~ 20kHz
Supported Audio Codecs Dolby Atmos®, Dolby TrueHD™, Dolby Digital®, Dolby Surround®, DTS:X®, DTS Neural:X®, DTS-HD Master Audio™, Auro-3D®, Auro-Matic®
Crossover Variable 4th order Linkwitz-Riley
Room Correction/Equalization Dirac Live® (licensed with HTP-1 ownership)
Built‑in Audio Correction Bass and Treble tone controls, 16-band parametric equalizer with independent speaker control on each band
Connectivity Wired Gigabit 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet, Wi-Fi®
Input Power 100 ~ 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Dimensions 17.1" x 5.7" x 12.0"

The 8 presets can be set to your preference by using the HTP-1 Preset Recorder - A few guys over at AVS put this together and it's really useful. Copy and paste the code below and save as an HTML file... or paste it into a text file and rename it with a .html extension. Then load it into your browser, and enter the IP address of your HTP-1. It lets you record and edit sequences of commands that are sent by the 8 preset buttons on the remote. Or you can scroll down a little and use the HTP-1 Custom Web UI that includes the Preset Recorder.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>HTP-1 Macro Recorder</title>
    <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="index.js" defer></script>
    <link rel="manifest" href="manifest.webmanifest">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-Vkoo8x4CGsO3+Hhxv8T/Q5PaXtkKtu6ug5TOeNV6gBiFeWPGFN9MuhOf23Q9Ifjh" crossorigin="anonymous">
    <script src="" integrity="sha384-wfSDF2E50Y2D1uUdj0O3uMBJnjuUD4Ih7YwaYd1iqfktj0Uod8GCExl3Og8ifwB6" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    <!-- <link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-1tymk6x9Y5K+OF0tlmG2fDRcn67QGzBkiM3IgtJ3VrtGrIi5ryhHjKjeeS60f1FA" crossorigin="anonymous"> -->

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">

    <style type="text/css">
        div#cmd_editor {
            display: none;

        .table-secondary, .table-secondary > th, .table-secondary > td {
            background-color: #f6f6f6;

        .table-secondary th, .table-secondary td, .table-secondary thead th, .table-secondary tbody + tbody {
            border-color: #ddd;


    var IP_ADDR_STORAGE_KEY = 'ipaddr';

    var ws;
    var ipaddr = localStorage.getItem(IP_ADDR_STORAGE_KEY);
    var recordings = [];

    // Render table of all Current CMDs and PRESETs
    function renderAllOpTable(svronly, tableName) {

        var oldTable = document.getElementById(tableName),
            newTable = document.createElement('table');

        newTable.setAttribute('id', tableName);
        newTable.classList.add('tabletable-sm', 'table-hover');

        var tbodyCmdA = createOpRows(svronly.cmda);
        var tbodyCmdB = createOpRows(svronly.cmdb);
        var tbodyCmdC = createOpRows(svronly.cmdc);
        var tbodyCmdD = createOpRows(svronly.cmdd);
        var tbodyPreset1 = createOpRows(svronly.preset1);
        var tbodyPreset2 = createOpRows(svronly.preset2);
        var tbodyPreset3 = createOpRows(svronly.preset3);
        var tbodyPreset4 = createOpRows(svronly.preset4);

        newTable.appendChild(createSectionThead('CMD A'));

        newTable.appendChild(createSectionThead('CMD B'));

        newTable.appendChild(createSectionThead('CMD C'));

        newTable.appendChild(createSectionThead('CMD D'));

        newTable.appendChild(createSectionThead('PRESET 1'));

        newTable.appendChild(createSectionThead('PRESET 2'));

        newTable.appendChild(createSectionThead('PRESET 3'));

        newTable.appendChild(createSectionThead('PRESET 4'));

        oldTable.parentNode.replaceChild(newTable, oldTable);

    // Render table of current recordings
    function renderOpTable(recordings, tableName) {

        var oldTable = document.getElementById(tableName),
            newTable = document.createElement('table');

        newTable.setAttribute('id', tableName);
        newTable.classList.add('tabletable-sm', 'table-hover');

        var thead = createThead(true);

        var tbody = createOpRows(recordings, true);


        oldTable.parentNode.replaceChild(newTable, oldTable);

    // Create a <tbody> consisting of one set of recordings
    function createOpRows(recordings, showDeleteColumn) {

        var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');

        for(let i = 0; i < recordings.length; i++){
            var tr = document.createElement('tr');
            var rowNumTd = document.createElement('td');
            rowNumTd.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i + 1));

            var opTd = document.createElement('td');

            var pathTd = document.createElement('td');

            var valueTd = document.createElement('td');

            if (showDeleteColumn) {
                var deleteTd = document.createElement('td');
                var deleteButton = document.createElement('button');
                deleteButton.setAttribute('type', 'button');
                deleteButton.setAttribute('class', 'btn btn-sm btn-outline-danger');
                deleteButton.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Close');
                deleteButton.addEventListener('click', function(){ eraseatrow(i) }, false);

                var deleteSpan = document.createElement('span');
                deleteSpan.setAttribute('class', 'oi oi-x');



        return tbody;

    // Create a <thead> consisting of the op, path, and value column headers
    function createThead(showDeleteColumn) {

        var thead = document.createElement('thead');
        var headerRow = document.createElement('tr');

        var rowNumTh = document.createElement('th');

        var opTh = document.createElement('th');

        var pathTh = document.createElement('th');

        var valueTh = document.createElement('th');

        if (showDeleteColumn) {
            var valueTh = document.createElement('th');


        return thead;

    // Create a <thead> consisting of the CMD / PRESET name
    function createSectionThead(sectionName) {

        var thead = document.createElement('thead');
        var headerRow = document.createElement('tr');

        var sectionNameTh = document.createElement('th');
        sectionNameTh.setAttribute('colSpan', 4);
        var h3 = document.createElement('h4');


        return thead;

    window.onload = function restoreIpAddr() {

        var ipaddr;

        try {
            ipaddr = localStorage.getItem(IP_ADDR_STORAGE_KEY);
        } catch (e) {
            console.log("Couldn't from local storage");

        if (!ipaddr) {
            ipaddr = '';


    function wsInit() {
        // Get HTP-1 IP address from the user
        ipaddr = $(usr_ipaddr).val();
        console.log ('ipaddr:', ipaddr);

        if ('WebSocket' in window || 'MozWebSocket' in window) {
            ws = new WebSocket('ws://' + ipaddr + '/ws/controller');
            ws.onopen = function() {
                $(p_banner).attr('class', 'alert alert-success').html("Websocket connected to HTP-1 at "+ipaddr+" at "+new Date());

                try {
                    // save successful IP addr
                    localStorage.setItem(IP_ADDR_STORAGE_KEY, ipaddr);
                } catch (e) {
                    console.log("Couldn'tlocal storage");

            ws.onerror= function(evt) {
                $(p_banner).attr('class', 'alert alert-danger').html("Websocket ERROR connecting to HTP-1 at "+ipaddr+" at "+new Date());

            ws.onclose = function() {
                $(p_banner).attr('class', 'alert alert-warning').html("Websocket disconnected to HTP-1 at "+ipaddr+" at "+new Date());

            ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
                console.log (;
                if(^msoupdate \[/) >= 0) {
                    // an msoupdate verb: drop the verb
                    var json =^.*?\[/, '[');
                    console.log(' json);
                    // to ignore non operative branches?
                    if ("path" *: *"\/(status|videostat|stat|svronly|versions|ipInfo|hostip|bluetooth)/) < 0) {
                        // no, these are operative branches, record them
                        // parse JSON and record them
                        var updates = JSON.parse(json);
                        updates.forEach(el => { recordings.push(el); });

                        // generate an output of current recordings
                        renderOpTable(recordings, 'currentRecordingData');
                    else {
                        // non operative branches being ignored
                        var html = '';
                        recordings.forEach(el => { html = html + JSON.stringify(el) + "\n"; });
                        html = html + "        Ignore: " + json;
                } else if (^mso {/) >= 0) {
                    // just received an MSO
                    var json =^.*? {/, '{');
                    console.log(' json);
                    var mso = JSON.parse(json);

                    renderAllOpTable(mso.svronly, 'allData');
                } else {
                    document.getElementById('data').innerHTML =;
        else {
            alert("Your browser does not support websockets");

    // clear recordings
    function clrrec() {
        recordings = [];

    // erase last entry
    function eraselast() {
        renderOpTable(recordings, 'currentRecordingData');

    // erase entry at index i
    function eraseatrow(i) {
        recordings.splice(i, 1);
        renderOpTable(recordings, 'currentRecordingData');

    // send recordings to CMD A/B/C/D and PRESET 1/2/3/4

    function send2cmda() {
        var cmd ='changemso ' + JSON.stringify([
            {"op":"replace", "path":"/svronly/cmda", "value": recordings }
        $(currentRecordingData).html('<div class="alert alert-success">Sent to CMD A.</div>');

    function send2cmdb() {
        var cmd ='changemso ' + JSON.stringify([
            {"op":"replace", "path":"/svronly/cmdb", "value": recordings }
        $(currentRecordingData).html('<div class="alert alert-success">Sent to CMD B.</div>');

    function send2cmdc() {
        var cmd ='changemso ' + JSON.stringify([
            {"op":"replace", "path":"/svronly/cmdc", "value": recordings }
        $(currentRecordingData).html('<div class="alert alert-success">Sent to CMD C.</div>');

    function send2cmdd() {
        var cmd ='changemso ' + JSON.stringify([
            {"op":"replace", "path":"/svronly/cmdd", "value": recordings }
        $(currentRecordingData).html('<div class="alert alert-success">Sent to CMD D.</div>');

    function send2preset1() {
        var cmd ='changemso ' + JSON.stringify([
            {"op":"replace", "path":"/svronly/preset1", "value": recordings }
        $(currentRecordingData).html('<div class="alert alert-success">Sent to PRESET 1.</div>');

    function send2preset2() {
        var cmd ='changemso ' + JSON.stringify([
            {"op":"replace", "path":"/svronly/preset2", "value": recordings }
        $(currentRecordingData).html('<div class="alert alert-success">Sent to PRESET 2.</div>');

    function send2preset3() {
        var cmd ='changemso ' + JSON.stringify([
            {"op":"replace", "path":"/svronly/preset3", "value": recordings }
        $(currentRecordingData).html('<div class="alert alert-success">Sent to PRESET 3.</div>');

    function send2preset4() {
        var cmd ='changemso ' + JSON.stringify([
            {"op":"replace", "path":"/svronly/preset4", "value": recordings }
        $(currentRecordingData).html('<div class="alert alert-success">Sent to PRESET 4.</div>');

    function showunit() {
        var cmd = 'getmso';
        console.log (cmd); // for debug


    <div ng-app = "" class="container">
        <h1>HTP-1 Macro Recorder</h1>
        <p>This is a trivial macro recorder for the Monoprice HTP-1 Processor.
            An undocumented feature allows an array of commands to be triggered
            by pushing the CMD A/B/C/D or the PRESET 1/2/3/4 buttons on the IR
            remote controller.
            This Javascript application embedded in an HTML file allows you to record
            your actions and push to the CMD A/B/C/D and PRESET 1/2/3/4 buttons.
            There is no known risk of permanent harm to your HTP-1 but the standard
            disclaimers apply and you are using it at your own risk.
            <li>Enter the IP address of your HTP-1 below and click 'Connect'.  An alert should say "Websocket is open"</li>
            <li>Click 'Clear Recordings' to clear the recordings</li>
            <li>Issue the desired HTP-1 commands, using either the web GUI or the IR remote</li>
            <li>Watch the list below. Click the delete button to any undesirable entries</li>
            <li>When you are done, click one of the 'Save as' buttons to save</li>

          <div class="form-group row">
            <label for="usr_ipaddr" class="col-sm-3 col-form-label">Enter the IP address of HTP-1:</label>
            <div class="col-sm-9">
              <input type="text" class="form-control" type="text" id="usr_ipaddr" minlength="7" maxlength="15" size="15" accesskey="p">
          <div class="form-group row">
            <div class="col-sm-10">
              <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary mb-2" id="btn_ip" onclick="javascript:wsInit()" accesskey="c">Connect</button>

        <div class="alert alert-info" id="p_banner">Waiting for websocket to open</div>

        <div id="cmd_editor">
            <h2>Create New Recording</h2>

            <button class="btn btn-danger" type="button" id="btn_clr" onclick="javascript:clrrec()">Clear Recordings</button>
            <!-- <button class="btn btn-warning" type="button" id="btn_bksp" onclick="javascript:eraselast()">Erase Last Entry</button> -->
            <!-- <button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" id="btn_show" onclick="javascript:showunit()">Show HTP-1 CMDs and PRESETs</button> -->
            <button class="btn btn-info" type="button" id="btn_cmda" onclick="javascript:send2cmda()">Save as CMD A</button>
            <button class="btn btn-info" type="button" id="btn_cmdb" onclick="javascript:send2cmdb()">Save as CMD B</button>
            <button class="btn btn-info" type="button" id="btn_cmdc" onclick="javascript:send2cmdc()">Save as CMD C</button>
            <button class="btn btn-info" type="button" id="btn_cmdd" onclick="javascript:send2cmdd()">Save as CMD D</button>
            <button class="btn btn-info" type="button" id="btn_preset1" onclick="javascript:send2preset1()">Save as PRESET 1</button>
            <button class="btn btn-info" type="button" id="btn_preset2" onclick="javascript:send2preset2()">Save as PRESET 2</button>
            <button class="btn btn-info" type="button" id="btn_preset3" onclick="javascript:send2preset3()">Save as PRESET 3</button>
            <button class="btn btn-info" type="button" id="btn_preset4" onclick="javascript:send2preset4()">Save as PRESET 4</button>
            <table id="currentRecordingData"></table>

            <h2>Current CMDs and PRESETs</h2>
            <table id="allData"></table>


Audio Science Review (not so much a subjective review, but lots of measurements)
*Hopefully Todd will be doing a review for AV NIRVANA soon.

IP Control
I mentioned earlier how I really like the IP control of the unit... my favorite functionality part of the unit. It is much easier for me to setup the unit and make changes with my mouse and keyboard than it is with a remote control... especially typing names on a keyboard vs. using the up/down/left/right/select buttons on a remote to navigate an on screen keyboard. The options/settings for this unit are extremely robust. Being able to make adjustments AFTER Dirac Live has run is a welcomed function that has been missing on all other processors I've owned or tested... that I can remember.

Here's a snap shot of the main IP page, which you can customize to your liking using ... the HTP-1 Custom Web UI


And here is the Settings page (via the Custom UI)... and a few screen shots of the various settings:



There are six (6) Dirac Live presets...



The filter creation section is really a sweet feature... and being able to see the shape of the low-shelf filter... with some serious manipulations. This DOES NOT affect the initial Dirac Live calibration, so if you want to add the shelf filter prior to Dirac Live calibration, DL will not adjust for it, whereas if you simply turned the volume up on your subs, DL would adjust the level. Below is an example of a 12dB shelf filter from 70Hz with a .7 Q. You can literally make near endless adjustments.






The Macro Recorder is included in the Custom UI...


You can completely customize the main home IP screen... the list goes on and on...


You always get the latest User Manual from the Help section...


It just seems as though the number of functions and adjustments are endless. It's a very nice unit that I have really come to appreciate over the last few weeks... and I'm just beginning.


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Todd Anderson

Editor / Senior Admin
Staff member
Jan 20, 2017
Balt/Wash Metro
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
StormAudio ISP.24 MK2
Main Amp
Emotiva XPA-5
Additional Amp
Emotiva XPA Gen3 2.8 multichannel amp
Other Amp
Denon X8500H
Computer Audio
AudioEngine A2+
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Kaleidescape TERRA, OPPO UDP-203, Panasonic UB9000
Front Speakers
GoldenEar Technology Triton One.R
Center Channel Speaker
GoldenEar Technology SuperCenter Reference
Surround Speakers
SVS Ultra Surround
Surround Back Speakers
SVS Ultra Bookshelf
Front Height Speakers
SVS Prime Elevation x4 (Top Front, Top Mid-Front)
Rear Height Speakers
SVS Prime Elevation x4 (Top Middle, Top Rear)
dual SVS SB16s + dual PSA XS30s
Other Speakers or Equipment
Behringer 1124p; Aura Bass Shaker Pros; SuperSub X
Video Display Device
Seymour Screen Excellence, Enlightor NEO AT Screen
Streaming Equipment
iFi Audio Zen Blue
Streaming Subscriptions
Qobuz, TIDAL, Spotify, ROON
Other Equipment
LG Electronics 65-inch B6 OLED, Sony 65-inch X900F, ZeroSurge 8R15W x 2, ZeroSurge 2R15W x 2
Looks like a great piece of gear. It took a long time for this to get to market... I'm *REALLY* glad to see that it's not full of bugs and unpleasantries! Looks like there's a lot of info to unpack, here. Thanks for starting this up, Sonnie!


Senior Admin
Staff member
Thread Starter
Apr 2, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
StormAudio ISP Elite 24 MK3 Processor
Main Amp
McIntosh MC1.25KW Monoblock Amps
Additional Amp
StormAudio PA 16 MK3
Computer Audio
Intel NUC w/ Roon ROCK
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UB9000 4K UHD Player (for media discs)
Front Speakers
RTJ 410
Center Channel Speaker
MartinLogan Focus C-18
Front Wide Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT
Surround Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Surround Back Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Front Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Middle Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Rear Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
JTR Captivators - 4000ULF-TL x2 + 2400 x6
Other Speakers or Equipment
VTI Amp Stands for the Monoblocks
Video Display Device
Sony 98X90L
Remote Control
AVA Cinema
Streaming Equipment
Kaleidescape | Lenova X1 - Intel NUC for Roon
Streaming Subscriptions
Lifetime Roon Subscription
Amazon Prime
Satellite System
Dish Joey 4K
Other Equipment
Zero Surge 8R15W-1 | Salamander Synergy Equipment Stand
Yep... really like it thus far... even for two-channel.

Are you still working on a review for one of these?

Todd Anderson

Editor / Senior Admin
Staff member
Jan 20, 2017
Balt/Wash Metro
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
StormAudio ISP.24 MK2
Main Amp
Emotiva XPA-5
Additional Amp
Emotiva XPA Gen3 2.8 multichannel amp
Other Amp
Denon X8500H
Computer Audio
AudioEngine A2+
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Kaleidescape TERRA, OPPO UDP-203, Panasonic UB9000
Front Speakers
GoldenEar Technology Triton One.R
Center Channel Speaker
GoldenEar Technology SuperCenter Reference
Surround Speakers
SVS Ultra Surround
Surround Back Speakers
SVS Ultra Bookshelf
Front Height Speakers
SVS Prime Elevation x4 (Top Front, Top Mid-Front)
Rear Height Speakers
SVS Prime Elevation x4 (Top Middle, Top Rear)
dual SVS SB16s + dual PSA XS30s
Other Speakers or Equipment
Behringer 1124p; Aura Bass Shaker Pros; SuperSub X
Video Display Device
Seymour Screen Excellence, Enlightor NEO AT Screen
Streaming Equipment
iFi Audio Zen Blue
Streaming Subscriptions
Qobuz, TIDAL, Spotify, ROON
Other Equipment
LG Electronics 65-inch B6 OLED, Sony 65-inch X900F, ZeroSurge 8R15W x 2, ZeroSurge 2R15W x 2
I had put in a request... need to follow up.


Senior Admin
Staff member
Thread Starter
Apr 2, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
StormAudio ISP Elite 24 MK3 Processor
Main Amp
McIntosh MC1.25KW Monoblock Amps
Additional Amp
StormAudio PA 16 MK3
Computer Audio
Intel NUC w/ Roon ROCK
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UB9000 4K UHD Player (for media discs)
Front Speakers
RTJ 410
Center Channel Speaker
MartinLogan Focus C-18
Front Wide Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT
Surround Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Surround Back Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Front Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Middle Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Rear Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
JTR Captivators - 4000ULF-TL x2 + 2400 x6
Other Speakers or Equipment
VTI Amp Stands for the Monoblocks
Video Display Device
Sony 98X90L
Remote Control
AVA Cinema
Streaming Equipment
Kaleidescape | Lenova X1 - Intel NUC for Roon
Streaming Subscriptions
Lifetime Roon Subscription
Amazon Prime
Satellite System
Dish Joey 4K
Other Equipment
Zero Surge 8R15W-1 | Salamander Synergy Equipment Stand
Indeed... you can write for days about this one.


Jun 5, 2017
I too am an HTP-1 owner for about a month now. I am a long-time Dirac Live user, having had a MiniDSP 88A and Marantz 8802A setup previously. I agree with Sonnie, it is a full-featured unit that has had very few issues. I would like to add a very important point, that the manufacturer has had an active presence in the AVS Forum HTP-1 thread, and has responded quickly to reports of issues and feature enhancements, something that is rare these days. It is very easy to access the list of available firmware releases along with release notes. Firmware upgrades are simple, as well as having the ability to revert to a previous FW version, which is very important.

The electronics in the HTP-1 are very high quality, which results in excellent audio, which is important for those of us who place music listening high on the list of importance. Roon certification is pending, but I expect it to happen before the end of the year, (which will likely be a nice Christmas present for Sonnie!). The capabilities of the USB input are still evolving, but I expect that to be enhanced with a FW release soon as well. A number of people have expressed concern about the lack of an on-screen display, but TBH after using the web interface on my tablet, I find this completely acceptable. Add to that the fact that I can see the unit's LED display from my seating position so I can easily tell the volume level, I don't miss the OSD at all. And finally, the unit is designed and manufactured by ATI, a well-respected company. It pairs perfectly with my ATI Class-D amp, which requires a 1.6v output. Note that the HTP-1 provides a voltage output setting, which allows the correct voltage to be set regardless of what brand power amp you have.

I highly recommend the HTP-1!


Senior Admin
Staff member
Thread Starter
Apr 2, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
StormAudio ISP Elite 24 MK3 Processor
Main Amp
McIntosh MC1.25KW Monoblock Amps
Additional Amp
StormAudio PA 16 MK3
Computer Audio
Intel NUC w/ Roon ROCK
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UB9000 4K UHD Player (for media discs)
Front Speakers
RTJ 410
Center Channel Speaker
MartinLogan Focus C-18
Front Wide Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT
Surround Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Surround Back Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Front Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Middle Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Rear Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
JTR Captivators - 4000ULF-TL x2 + 2400 x6
Other Speakers or Equipment
VTI Amp Stands for the Monoblocks
Video Display Device
Sony 98X90L
Remote Control
AVA Cinema
Streaming Equipment
Kaleidescape | Lenova X1 - Intel NUC for Roon
Streaming Subscriptions
Lifetime Roon Subscription
Amazon Prime
Satellite System
Dish Joey 4K
Other Equipment
Zero Surge 8R15W-1 | Salamander Synergy Equipment Stand
Thanks for the input Jerry. And yes... the AVS thread is most helpful: ... I've added this with a note about support to the thread above. I've used the thread myself to resolve some issues a bit faster than Monoprice support is able to respond. That is not insinuating poor service from Monoprice, it is simply acknowledgement of the unusual conditions and challenges that many companies are faced with these days... and being involved in that thread shows their willingness to provide support outside of the normal support channel, which is a compliment to Monoprice.

It would be nice to see Roon certification, although I'm not sure it will be any different since I was able to get setup for developer status on this unit.

My real birthday and Christmas present will be delivery of a pair of MartinLogan Renaissance ESL 15A's next week. :whistling:


Senior AV Addict
Dec 5, 2017
Central FL
My real birthday and Christmas present will be delivery of a pair of MartinLogan Renaissance ESL 15A's next week.

Congrats Sonnie!
With the "Luxury Performance" banner and picture of the Mona Lisa on the webpage I think you officially lose the self described redneck moniker!


Jun 5, 2017
It would be nice to see Roon certification, although I'm not sure it will be any different since I was able to get setup for developer status on this unit.

@Sonnie, As you know, I recently completed a 14-day Roon trial, but deferred a permanent subscription until the HTP-1 is Roon certified. I did not try to get developer status.

During the trial, I was fascinated by clicking on the little colored dot that revealed the signal path and whether it was bit-perfect or not. With the HTP-1, I was never able to get more than "Good quality", a green dot. Are you getting end-to-end bit-perfect status with the developer status? And if Dirac Live is in the signal path, will it ever be bit-perfect?

I am having enough issues with my Sonos system that I would like to give Roon another try, but I would like to know how the HTP-1 will behave after certification before proceeding.
Last edited:


Senior Admin
Staff member
Thread Starter
Apr 2, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
StormAudio ISP Elite 24 MK3 Processor
Main Amp
McIntosh MC1.25KW Monoblock Amps
Additional Amp
StormAudio PA 16 MK3
Computer Audio
Intel NUC w/ Roon ROCK
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UB9000 4K UHD Player (for media discs)
Front Speakers
RTJ 410
Center Channel Speaker
MartinLogan Focus C-18
Front Wide Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT
Surround Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Surround Back Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Front Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Middle Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Rear Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
JTR Captivators - 4000ULF-TL x2 + 2400 x6
Other Speakers or Equipment
VTI Amp Stands for the Monoblocks
Video Display Device
Sony 98X90L
Remote Control
AVA Cinema
Streaming Equipment
Kaleidescape | Lenova X1 - Intel NUC for Roon
Streaming Subscriptions
Lifetime Roon Subscription
Amazon Prime
Satellite System
Dish Joey 4K
Other Equipment
Zero Surge 8R15W-1 | Salamander Synergy Equipment Stand
Congrats Sonnie!
With the "Luxury Performance" banner and picture of the Mona Lisa on the webpage I think you officially lose the self described redneck moniker!
Well... I'm missing that Luxury banner and the pic of Mona Lisa... so I'm still gonna be a hillbilly redneck. Besides, if Mona Lisa heard me talk, she probably wouldn't quit laughing for a while. She be like... "What? That guy owns the 15A's"... then proceed to roll on the floor a bit.

@Sonnie, As you know, I recently completed a 14-day Roon trial, but deferred a permanent subscription until the HTP-1 is Roon certified. I did not try to get developer status.

During the trial, I was fascinated by clicking on the little colored dot that revealed the signal path and whether it was bit-perfect or not. With the HTP-1, I was never able to get more than "Good quality", a green dot. Are you getting end-to-end bit-perfect status with the developer status? And if Dirac Live is in the signal path, will it ever be bit-perfect?

I am having enough issues with my Sonos system that I would like to give Roon another try, but I would like to know how the HTP-1 will behave after certification before proceeding.
The developer status was really simple. I complained to them, they gave me a link, the next day they approved my account. I've clicked on that signal path icon, but I don't remember what it showed. I'll check it out tomorrow and let you know. I'm only going to be using Dirac Live for movies (Roku, UB9000, Dish satellite). For Roon and music I am going to use Audiolense (with the help of Mitch from Acourate to start with) and Convolution within Roon. Mitch says I'll get better results than Dirac, so that will be interesting to see how it works out. Another thought is the 15A's have ARC Genesis for the subs, and are supposedly very flat up top, so there may not need to be a lot of correction. My subs are already super flat up to about 70Hz, and I may run the 15A's down to 40-50Hz. The 13A's I had previously had a remarkably good response. The PEQ in the HTP-1 does not affect the resolution, so I can still use it for a shelf filter if need to get my bass boost. The HTP-1 and Roon combo make for an endless array of possibilities... and as you mentioned, the sound is right up there with the high-end systems I've heard... the DACs are excellent.
  • Post hidden due to user being banned.


Senior Admin
Staff member
Thread Starter
Apr 2, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
StormAudio ISP Elite 24 MK3 Processor
Main Amp
McIntosh MC1.25KW Monoblock Amps
Additional Amp
StormAudio PA 16 MK3
Computer Audio
Intel NUC w/ Roon ROCK
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UB9000 4K UHD Player (for media discs)
Front Speakers
RTJ 410
Center Channel Speaker
MartinLogan Focus C-18
Front Wide Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT
Surround Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Surround Back Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Front Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Middle Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Rear Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
JTR Captivators - 4000ULF-TL x2 + 2400 x6
Other Speakers or Equipment
VTI Amp Stands for the Monoblocks
Video Display Device
Sony 98X90L
Remote Control
AVA Cinema
Streaming Equipment
Kaleidescape | Lenova X1 - Intel NUC for Roon
Streaming Subscriptions
Lifetime Roon Subscription
Amazon Prime
Satellite System
Dish Joey 4K
Other Equipment
Zero Surge 8R15W-1 | Salamander Synergy Equipment Stand
Congratulations Sonnie. How have you configured your setup? 9.2.6? Are you using wide channels? How many heights? Are you using a center height channel? VOG? etc. Thanks
I am sitting on a 9.4.4 setup with wide channels right now, with the 4 subs being summed at one. 4 heights... no VOG at this point.


Senior Admin
Staff member
Thread Starter
Apr 2, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
StormAudio ISP Elite 24 MK3 Processor
Main Amp
McIntosh MC1.25KW Monoblock Amps
Additional Amp
StormAudio PA 16 MK3
Computer Audio
Intel NUC w/ Roon ROCK
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UB9000 4K UHD Player (for media discs)
Front Speakers
RTJ 410
Center Channel Speaker
MartinLogan Focus C-18
Front Wide Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT
Surround Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Surround Back Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Front Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Middle Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Rear Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
JTR Captivators - 4000ULF-TL x2 + 2400 x6
Other Speakers or Equipment
VTI Amp Stands for the Monoblocks
Video Display Device
Sony 98X90L
Remote Control
AVA Cinema
Streaming Equipment
Kaleidescape | Lenova X1 - Intel NUC for Roon
Streaming Subscriptions
Lifetime Roon Subscription
Amazon Prime
Satellite System
Dish Joey 4K
Other Equipment
Zero Surge 8R15W-1 | Salamander Synergy Equipment Stand
@Sonnie, As you know, I recently completed a 14-day Roon trial, but deferred a permanent subscription until the HTP-1 is Roon certified. I did not try to get developer status.

During the trial, I was fascinated by clicking on the little colored dot that revealed the signal path and whether it was bit-perfect or not. With the HTP-1, I was never able to get more than "Good quality", a green dot. Are you getting end-to-end bit-perfect status with the developer status? And if Dirac Live is in the signal path, will it ever be bit-perfect?

I am having enough issues with my Sonos system that I would like to give Roon another try, but I would like to know how the HTP-1 will behave after certification before proceeding.
With DL and PEQ on HTP-1


No change when I turn DL off, but it does know when I turn off the PEQ shelf filter...


I'm not sure what the Bass Management for Equalizer represents. I thought maybe it would be the xover on the mains, but changing them to full range does not affect it... with DL and PEQ off.

Here is the 96kHz output...


Of course turning on DL down-samples the rate...

  • Post hidden due to user being banned.


Senior Admin
Staff member
Thread Starter
Apr 2, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
StormAudio ISP Elite 24 MK3 Processor
Main Amp
McIntosh MC1.25KW Monoblock Amps
Additional Amp
StormAudio PA 16 MK3
Computer Audio
Intel NUC w/ Roon ROCK
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UB9000 4K UHD Player (for media discs)
Front Speakers
RTJ 410
Center Channel Speaker
MartinLogan Focus C-18
Front Wide Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT
Surround Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Surround Back Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Front Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Middle Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Rear Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
JTR Captivators - 4000ULF-TL x2 + 2400 x6
Other Speakers or Equipment
VTI Amp Stands for the Monoblocks
Video Display Device
Sony 98X90L
Remote Control
AVA Cinema
Streaming Equipment
Kaleidescape | Lenova X1 - Intel NUC for Roon
Streaming Subscriptions
Lifetime Roon Subscription
Amazon Prime
Satellite System
Dish Joey 4K
Other Equipment
Zero Surge 8R15W-1 | Salamander Synergy Equipment Stand
I'm hoping Roon will enable Atmos music soon. Once I get the 15A's in, I plan to move the 9's to the wide channels. then I'll see what Atmos sounds like via Tidal direct.


Jun 5, 2017
So, in Roon terminology is "Enhanced" the highest level of quality that can be achieved? IOW, was the colored dot Purple?

Thanks for sharing this information.


Senior Admin
Staff member
Thread Starter
Apr 2, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
StormAudio ISP Elite 24 MK3 Processor
Main Amp
McIntosh MC1.25KW Monoblock Amps
Additional Amp
StormAudio PA 16 MK3
Computer Audio
Intel NUC w/ Roon ROCK
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UB9000 4K UHD Player (for media discs)
Front Speakers
RTJ 410
Center Channel Speaker
MartinLogan Focus C-18
Front Wide Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT
Surround Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Surround Back Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Front Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Middle Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Rear Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
JTR Captivators - 4000ULF-TL x2 + 2400 x6
Other Speakers or Equipment
VTI Amp Stands for the Monoblocks
Video Display Device
Sony 98X90L
Remote Control
AVA Cinema
Streaming Equipment
Kaleidescape | Lenova X1 - Intel NUC for Roon
Streaming Subscriptions
Lifetime Roon Subscription
Amazon Prime
Satellite System
Dish Joey 4K
Other Equipment
Zero Surge 8R15W-1 | Salamander Synergy Equipment Stand
It's still blue... apparently due to the equalizer, which I'm not sure what that is yet.

It could be to do with the HTP-1 due to the signal path going from 2.0 to 2.1, but it doesn't change even when I make the front full range and turn off the subwoofer.

I'm asking Roon.


Senior AV Addict
Dec 5, 2017
Central FL
It could be to do with the HTP-1 due to the signal path going from 2.0 to 2.1, but it doesn't change even when I make the front full range and turn off the subwoofer.

I'm asking Roon.

When you do ask Roon or Monoprice about this would you ask if the sample rate is being converted to accommodate bass management? It may not be and Roon is just reporting the change to the signal, i.e. enhanced.

According to the excellent owners manual you linked in the OP, it would appear the sample rate should be unchanged when Direct mode (no upmixer/downmixer) is used and Dirac is off.


Jun 5, 2017
My music input source sends a 96KHz signal to the HTP-1. The HTP-1 shows the signal down-sampled to 48KHz with Dirac enabled (as expected). It shows 96KHz when Dirac is off and the sound mode is Direct. I am not one who feels like the audio is compromised when down-sampled to 48KHz, and always prefer to have Dirac on when playing music.


Senior Admin
Staff member
Thread Starter
Apr 2, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
StormAudio ISP Elite 24 MK3 Processor
Main Amp
McIntosh MC1.25KW Monoblock Amps
Additional Amp
StormAudio PA 16 MK3
Computer Audio
Intel NUC w/ Roon ROCK
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UB9000 4K UHD Player (for media discs)
Front Speakers
RTJ 410
Center Channel Speaker
MartinLogan Focus C-18
Front Wide Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT
Surround Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Surround Back Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Front Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Middle Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Rear Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
JTR Captivators - 4000ULF-TL x2 + 2400 x6
Other Speakers or Equipment
VTI Amp Stands for the Monoblocks
Video Display Device
Sony 98X90L
Remote Control
AVA Cinema
Streaming Equipment
Kaleidescape | Lenova X1 - Intel NUC for Roon
Streaming Subscriptions
Lifetime Roon Subscription
Amazon Prime
Satellite System
Dish Joey 4K
Other Equipment
Zero Surge 8R15W-1 | Salamander Synergy Equipment Stand
I'm with you on that one Jerry... I don't feel anything is compromised with the down-sampling due to Dirac, although I still want to compare Convolution with Audiolense to DL... not because of the down-sampling.

Per Roon...
Lossless signal paths are indicated by a bright purple light, and mean exactly what the name implies: that the stream is going from the file to the device without being modified.
Enhanced signal paths are indicated by a bright blue light. This means that Roon is performing some signal processing steps on the audio because you asked for them.
A bright blue light does not mean it is NOT lossless, it just means there is some sort of processing going on, and in my case it's bass management by the HTP-1.


Jun 5, 2017
I was getting a green light, probably because I did not have developer status. Otherwise, I believe everything was the same.


Senior Admin
Staff member
Thread Starter
Apr 2, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
StormAudio ISP Elite 24 MK3 Processor
Main Amp
McIntosh MC1.25KW Monoblock Amps
Additional Amp
StormAudio PA 16 MK3
Computer Audio
Intel NUC w/ Roon ROCK
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UB9000 4K UHD Player (for media discs)
Front Speakers
RTJ 410
Center Channel Speaker
MartinLogan Focus C-18
Front Wide Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT
Surround Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Surround Back Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Front Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Middle Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Rear Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
JTR Captivators - 4000ULF-TL x2 + 2400 x6
Other Speakers or Equipment
VTI Amp Stands for the Monoblocks
Video Display Device
Sony 98X90L
Remote Control
AVA Cinema
Streaming Equipment
Kaleidescape | Lenova X1 - Intel NUC for Roon
Streaming Subscriptions
Lifetime Roon Subscription
Amazon Prime
Satellite System
Dish Joey 4K
Other Equipment
Zero Surge 8R15W-1 | Salamander Synergy Equipment Stand
I was getting a green light, probably because I did not have developer status. Otherwise, I believe everything was the same.
You were also going thru Airplay, or via USB? How did you have Roon playing?


Senior Admin
Staff member
Thread Starter
Apr 2, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
StormAudio ISP Elite 24 MK3 Processor
Main Amp
McIntosh MC1.25KW Monoblock Amps
Additional Amp
StormAudio PA 16 MK3
Computer Audio
Intel NUC w/ Roon ROCK
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UB9000 4K UHD Player (for media discs)
Front Speakers
RTJ 410
Center Channel Speaker
MartinLogan Focus C-18
Front Wide Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT
Surround Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Surround Back Speakers
JTR Neosis 210RT
Front Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Middle Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
Rear Height Speakers
JTR Neosis 110HT-SL
JTR Captivators - 4000ULF-TL x2 + 2400 x6
Other Speakers or Equipment
VTI Amp Stands for the Monoblocks
Video Display Device
Sony 98X90L
Remote Control
AVA Cinema
Streaming Equipment
Kaleidescape | Lenova X1 - Intel NUC for Roon
Streaming Subscriptions
Lifetime Roon Subscription
Amazon Prime
Satellite System
Dish Joey 4K
Other Equipment
Zero Surge 8R15W-1 | Salamander Synergy Equipment Stand


Senior AV Addict
Dec 5, 2017
Central FL
Well Sonnie, once again I find myself following in your footsteps.
Been eyeing this processor, mooning for one actually, since it was announced and following the AVS thread since it's release.
Got an email from Monoprice today with a price on a refurb that I couldn't pass up, so its on the way.
One thing holding me back before was needing an amp to go with it. I have a bit of hodepodge set up now using a couple of channels on the T758V3, an Emotiva Gen 2 3 channel and an outlaw 5000 for the height channels. I've been looking at various amps such as some of the newer hypex based products from ATI, NAD, March Audio, and others. In the end I opted for the Monolith 5 channel thinking there's probably little if any difference in sound quality, the Monolith tested very well on Audioholics bench years ago, the price is good and of course it'll match the HTP-1 in appearance.
I think this will be it for far as electronics are concerned. At least I hope so. :)
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