Finished HT/2 channel listening room

Yamaha CX-A5100, MX-A5000, Goldenear Triton Reference Epson UB5040, Oppo UDP 203, GIK Acoustics etc.


Thank you, it sounds very good. Currently, looking to buy my first tube integrated amp to see what the fuss is all about.
Agree with others. Very nice room!

What are the room dimensions?

How did you decide acoustic treatments and placement?
Due to budgetary reasons had to settle for a 15'w x 16' l x 8' h room which is very acoustically challenging particulary in the low frequencies. The room had a lot of reverb and echo and a huge bump at 35Hz and again @ 70Hz. I reached out to Nyall, AcousticFrontiers who measured and determined there were multiple issues with good sound reproduction. I took his room acoustic analysis and sent it off to GIK Acoustics, they formulated a plan to deal with the majority of the issues. I subsequently, puirchased additional tuned low frequency bass trapping, (you can't have enough bass trapping). I added Dspeaker anti mode, ran YPAO multiple times, adjusted the subwoofer levels on the GoldenEar Reference speakers and tweaked the Yamaha CX-A5100 via network editor subwoofer levels per Gene at Audioholics which helped out tremendously. All areas were treated ceiling, floor, side walls, ( primary and secondary reflection points) front and back walls, 3 corners have tuned soffit bass traps, The front and back wall bass traps have diffusion scatter plates within them to liven up the room. Nyall indicated that the room had the wrong colors and wasn't really set up for a HT due the color pallete and light leakage, etc. I told Nyall I could live with the compromises since I like the aesthetic of the room when listening to 2 channel music. I have been blessed with this opportunity and am thoroughly enjoying it. LIfe is short, do what you enjoy. I am now in the market for a tube 2 channel integrated amplifier with home theater bypass to have the best of both worlds. Peace.
15'w x 16' l x 8' h room

Yikes! That is a challenge. Nice work getting that room to work for you. I’m sure it took a while to get it right.

I added Dspeaker anti mode, ran YPAO multiple times, adjusted the subwoofer levels on the GoldenEar Reference speakers and tweaked the Yamaha CX-A5100 via network editor subwoofer levels per Gene at Audioholics

If you ever think about changing your pre-pro check into Dirac.
I'm currently reviewing the Triton Reference speakers --- oh baby... they are incredible!

Beautiful room you have there!!
Thanks Todd, I'm very happy with mine. A touch too powerful for my space, but I didn't want to leave any performance on the table. I posted some additional room pictures at the GIK Acoustics website. .
Recently added the Primaluna EVO 300 integraged amplifier, a Vincent PHO 701 phono stage, BJC cables and Beresford TC-7210 selector switch to share the main speakers with both amps, a very nice analog experience.
Okay, this it and I mean it.I just added a Music Hall mmf 9.3 turntable with the Ortofon 2m Black cartridge, that's it I'm done. Finito.
Grayson, didn't realize how important it is to have compatible analog components, ie, turn table, tone arm, amplifier, cartridge, phono stage and speakers for the best results.

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