My Totally Disassembled He-Man Rig

This was my shared 2-ch listening room after I was forced to sell my previous house with its dedicated one. The rig is now replaced with a multi-channel system, albeit in a very small, much less than optimal room.


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Awesome setup. Your corner traps, are they bass traps and do you have any pics or links to the traps?
Awesome setup. Your corner traps, are they bass traps and do you have any pics or links to the traps?
Thanks, climber07! It's always a good day for a thumb's-up! The traps are designed & manufactured by ASC. They vary in diameter to target various frequency ranges. ASC's website can be found at the following link
Nice setup. I owned Revel Ultima Studios for about 10 years and enjoyed them very much. (I can't tell if yours are Studios or Salons.) I had similar half-round traps on the ceiling between them and me. Like yours, mine were packed & moved, and I'm glad to say, they survived unscathed.
Thank you!
Revels AND half-rounds? Well hello, cousin!

You’re right, it’s hard to tell the model at that angle. I enjoy my Salons for the same reasons you probably enjoyed your Studios. But yours come within shouting distance of their performance for a much more wallet-friendly price! I had to climb that last rung of diminishing returns just once and figured speakers offered the best return on investment. Not that audio components are investments; they are depreciating assets. But I’d do it again because they elevate my system beyond the sum of its parts!

Please tell me more about your treatments. What made you decide to mount your half-rounds on the ceiling?
What made you decide to mount your half-rounds on the ceiling?

Simple: it was suggested by ASC. I don't know if you've seen my photos -- the latest as of now in this section of the Showcase. They show, among other acoustic treatments, the same half-rounds, now on the front wall of the new room. This room is only 7 ft tall, and I am trying to keep stuff off the ceiling. I'm helped in that by using speakers that are better suited to this room than the Revels; the Janszens have controlled directivity and bounce very little sound off the ceiling.

BTW, back when, I listened to the Salons and Studios both. I think you did the right thing by choosing the Salons, which I couldn't spring for at the time.

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