Recent content by robbnj

  1. R

    Setting up a graphic EQ with REW

    Thank you for the reply! I did 12 because I'm used to 10-band EQs, and 12 is more, lol. I did another that is 6 b/c the DSP device was being finicky. Here is the graph of the sweep I took of the speaker, from about 12" in front of it. Not properly set up for testing, I just wanted to learn, and...
  2. R

    Setting up a graphic EQ with REW

    Hello all. I'm tinkering around with a programmable DSP from Parts Express (the DSPB-K). I'm not at the point of being able to dump an EQ curve from REW onto it (yet), but I have been able to create a graphic EQ setup to at least learn how it works, the quirks, etc. I can create a fairly...
  3. R

    An REW success story

    Picked up an old set of Polk R8 mini towers for the price of a few Big Macs, with one being described as sounding "thin". Got 'em home and found the surround of one woofer was about 30% detached from the frame. Fixed it up and they sounded quite good. Decided to test with REW just to see if they...
  4. R

    Clock adjustment error issues

    Gonna be a while before I get to play again, but I will definitely give that a try. Thank you!
  5. R

    Clock adjustment error issues

    Yes. Before each test, I go into the device list and close out all devices except the specific one I want to get used. The list seems to populate itself pretty quickly, often with duplicates of devices. I'm not sure if it matters that the others are listed there, but I just figured better safe...
  6. R

    Clock adjustment error issues has something to do with REW version 5.31 on this newer laptop. I tried several older versions, all the way to 5.30.9, and do not get the timing error when using the loopthrough setup. It's still there even on a fresh install of 5.31. Odd
  7. R

    Clock adjustment error issues

    At the end of my attempts last night, I wasn't using a mic at all. It was just a straight-wire loopthrough from the audio out to the mic-in on the soundcard. Prior to that I used a PC mic modified with the same element as a UMIK, an Audyssey mic, and a Dayton IMM6. All connected to the PC by a...
  8. R

    Clock adjustment error issues

    I was trying to do some sweeps tonight using an acoustic timing reference so I can align my subs and mains, and I got an error like the one below. I switched to a shorter HDMI cable, and still get an error in the >2,000 range. I tried running the sweep with a loopthrough cable directly from the...
  9. R

    Blackout a drop ceiling without painting?

    The ceiling is pretty much done. The poster-on-linen idea is going nowhere fast, so I'm exploring a tangential idea: poster covers. I don't want to get rid of the posters, because I like the vibe. But the reflections are too much. Sooooo...I made some covers out of leftover felt to see how...
  10. R

    Blackout a drop ceiling without painting?

    Life got in the way while I was busy making other plans, but I finally got a chance to do some research on your link. Can you tell me what type of cloth your panels are printed on, and the type of printing process? Are they like the "portraits on canvas" that have a shiny finish that almost...
  11. R

    Blackout a drop ceiling without painting?

    Thanks, guys. I'm back from a trip out of town, and did another six feet yesterday. Will test tonight. Tomorrow night I'll do the final 3 feet and get to see the difference without light bleed from the overhead projector side cooling slots. Next up will be the wall color and then trying to find...
  12. R

    Blackout a drop ceiling without painting?

    Minor update on the adventure: The package finally arrived...and it had a roll of white felt, instead of black. I got a new roll and jumped right in to at least get some proof of concept until I can devote some time to it. While the magnets I bought are actually strong enough to hold up the...
  13. R

    Blackout a drop ceiling without painting?

    I got a reply on a different forum from someone who said he did it. Even referenced the distance I was planning to use, and the magnets I have on order, lol My sis just messaged me that she has 50% at her favorite fabric store. Looks like I'm diving in.
  14. R

    Blackout a drop ceiling without painting?

    Trying to make my TV/movie space a little more theater-like without going whole hog on it. I have a white drop tile ceiling, and would like to make the display end of the room a "black hole". So far, I've hung blackout curtains covering the entire wall behind the displays, done a black felt...
  15. R

    Computer system-level EQ affecting tests?

    PRETTY confident all of the drivers on both the output and the input side show as "EXCL" when I go in there (to verify the calibration files are loaded), but I guess I have a new reason to play around with the system this weekend and be sure. Thanks John!
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