Recent content by mike w

  1. M

    Using the Latest REW Revision

    Thanks Sam. I will try that tomorrow.
  2. M

    Using the Latest REW Revision

    Thanks for responding. The category "output device" doesn't make sense to me here. Isn't the output the signal generator from the REW app resident on the laptop? Why would you headphone as an output make anymore sense? I'm equally happy with a response that says "none of this makes sense but...
  3. M

    Using the Latest REW Revision

    It’s been a while since I’ve been on the forum. I haven’t been doing much in the way of audio for years (besides using it) up until now. I’ve just completed some DIY speakers this week. I attempted to measure them using REW and my Umik-1 microphone and got crazy results. The updates John M. has...
  4. M

    Recording room initial REW measurements

    Could someone explain the purpose of looking at the REW decay plots at 60 ms intervals as Bruce Black suggested? Yes, there is a difference in decay WRT time but what does that mean and how do you act on that info?
  5. M

    REW Topt Question

    Thanks. I had to repair dry wall in that room after repairing an upstairs plumbing leak. I'll check into the Isobond or Autex. Still haven't painted it yet so, there could be a change order being worked into the job with no one the wiser ;-)
  6. M

    REW Topt Question

    Thanks for checking in DD. My understanding is that RT60 is a function of room volume. My room is 6K ft^3 minimum with openings to hall, upstairs, & family room. So, I would never expect it to achieve 200 ms. I've added furnishings (2 large plants, a rug, a painting and a lounge chair) and...
  7. M

    REW Topt Question

    Hi AV NIRVANA Team: I’ve been trying to flatten my Topt curve with little success. I had read somewhere that an arching curve shape is indicative of an empty room. I’ve added some furniture (see URL) to my living/listening room but it did not change things. My house has an open floor plan...
  8. M

    Do you isolate your gear?

    Your research sounds interesting and challenging. To me, that’s the making of a fun job. I don’t agree with your statements about the null hypothesis. I’ll comment more on that later. Your challenge to the atheist - to prove God does not exist has some broken logic in it. One cannot...
  9. M

    Do you isolate your gear?

    I can understand isolation for source components and maybe speakers but not isolation for electronics. All those data centers that make this forum conversation even possible might want to rethink how they cool their web-servers. (The internal fans they currently use to cool the compute boards...
  10. M

    Diffusers or Deflectors around surrounds? sounds like you have some budget and flexibility for decorating your house like a studio ;-). Here is the link to Tim Perry's diffusor design on Gearslutz...
  11. M

    Diffusers or Deflectors around surrounds?

    Negatron: I'm not sure what you mean by angled diffusors. The lean diffusors that I have made are heavy. I'm not an acoustical engineer so cannot comment on your situation beyond noticing that your problem has all the hallmarks of no possible solution (large multi-purpose space and no budget)...
  12. M

    Diffusers or Deflectors around surrounds?

    I see minor differences in the RT60 and ETC overlays between before and after but those are two different measurement set ups and I don't trust that I have the microphone in exactly the same position. Bottom line: I can't say that the measurement differences would repeat. And it would be a...
  13. M

    Diffusers or Deflectors around surrounds?

    I've added one more diffusor since this discussion started. It's in the back upper corner of the room (sort of). It gets the wife's approval where as something like thick foam would not. And since every diffusor also absorbs, I get a small benefit there as well. My latest effort in room...
  14. M

    DIY Helmholtz Plates

    Thanks Matt and DanDan. DanDan: I’ve followed many of your sensible comments on the GearSlutz forum. I guess I cured myself of this idea after reading “ My Experiment with a Metal Panel Absorber” thread. Many of the Pro Audio solutions are not practical for me in my mixed use listening...
  15. M

    DIY Helmholtz Plates

    Has anyone built a Helmholtz absorber to deal with specific room mode? If so, how did it work? If I look at a modeling calculator, I would expect a very efficient absorber. The reason I'm interested in this technology is that I could get a wood panel thru the architectural committee as...
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