Recent content by juicehifi

  1. juicehifi

    Some questions about AL

    You should expect a very tight and precise sound stage and a very good timbre, so tour expectations are on the mark. The most frequent problems are measurement problems, mostly glitches in the data stream. But I would expect your your mic and dac combo to be a good one in that regard. Could...
  2. juicehifi

    Some questions about AL

    If the simulations in Audiolense look good perhaps there is a problem with the measurement quality. What is your gear … microphone, dac and speakers?
  3. juicehifi

    Some questions about AL

    The phase plot doesn’t look normal. I suspect that something has gone wrong somewhere.
  4. juicehifi

    Amplifier Gain, Insertion Loss... What's Best

    As long as you have enough gain to play loud enough this gain difference shouldn’t matter. But some times other factors enters, such as noise and impedance matching etc. so it doesn’t hurt to try the preamp.
  5. juicehifi

    Some questions about AL

    I haven’t tried to use the REW spectrogram for this, but it doesn’t hurt try it out.
  6. juicehifi

    Some questions about AL

    Iacc should usually be very good after correction. So I recommend that you find out where the difference is and take it from there. To your first question: What do you mean by FDW amplitude?
  7. juicehifi

    Some questions about AL

    I’m afraid the question doesn’t have a simple answer. From time to time the size of the TTD window makes a significant difference, other times not so much. So this is a bit of qualified trial and error. 1st priority is a best possible step-response, but with a reasonably clean entrance. 2nd...
  8. juicehifi

    Partial correction and target as EQ

    The target clearly works as an eq above 1kHz here. See how the correction traces the target above 1kHz.
  9. juicehifi

    Partial correction and target as EQ

    Try a partial from e.g. 1 kHz and do something with the target above … and post a chart here … and we’ll see.
  10. juicehifi

    I can't use Audiolense

    Do you hav the c++ distro installed?
  11. juicehifi

    I can't use Audiolense

    So sorry to hear about your troubles. Since you have problems with the speaker setup, it is certain that something is wrong with your operative system. Most likely some files are missing. Perhaps the other version will work … 32 bit version. Or if you have another pc available you should try...
  12. juicehifi

    baby steps in DSD

    I believe you can use jriver.
  13. juicehifi

    Measurement Approach Questions

    1 usually no, but perhaps if you have a very special sub that needs excessive boost in the bottom, and can handle it. An open baffel with a bunch of 15 inch plus drivers. But even this may be manageable in Audiolense. 2 The rationale has several facets. A) The sweet spot is where it matters...
  14. juicehifi

    Audiolense won't load

    I'm afraid you have to make them again.
  15. juicehifi

    Audiolense won't load

    The program data folder is not in the program folder
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