Recent content by ddude003

  1. ddude003

    Lenbrook's MQA Labs to Roll Out AIRIA, FOQUS, and QRONO by the End of 2025

    Sounds like a very big task with a lot of competition in each of these market sectors... As long as they tout MQA I'm out...
  2. ddude003

    How do you EQ / treat this room?

    You can take your straw man and stick him in that plastic pot, add a few plastic straws and a miniature umbrella, place it on that zero point energy grid in your basement and surround him with a few empty beer and wine bottles and measure him for some dynamo hum... I don't appreciate you taking...
  3. ddude003

    How do you EQ / treat this room?

    And for fun and completeness there is this example with two plugins, Convolution Room Correction and Dynamic EQ...
  4. ddude003

    How do you EQ / treat this room?

    Here is the the HangLoose Host + HangLoose Convolver running one of my Room Correction FIR filters... You can easily add other plugin(s) between the HLConvolver and the Audio Output... In my case its usually another, so many choices, colorful EQ... And oh, once you get Blackhole installed...
  5. ddude003

    How do you EQ / treat this room?

    Here is an example of using Blackhole, the HangLoose Plugin Host and a left and right channel with two instances of Apple's AUNBandEQ... I don't think it is any easier to load your parameters, although you can adjust gain and EQ on the individual left and right channels... I don't think you...
  6. ddude003

    How do you EQ / treat this room?

    I guess you haven't kept up on the science of the middle ages... Ceramic pots can be thought of and used as Helmholtz resonators... And what about the acoustic properties of bamboo... Maybe you can tell me why some speaker manufactures use Activated Carbon in the speaker cabinets... I don't...
  7. ddude003

    How do you EQ / treat this room?

    @VinceHoffman, Next to nothing is better than nothing, a bare wall... Its not just the plants, its the dirt, sand or even Activated Carbon in the pots...
  8. ddude003

    How do you EQ / treat this room?

    So, lets see if I can catch up... If your better half does not like the idea of traps and absorbers scattered about maybe she would be happier with some potted plants... Stands of bamboo or other things that are big and leafy... Pots of dirt or sand with live or dried bamboo or other dried...
  9. ddude003

    How do you EQ / treat this room?

    I agree with @VinceHoffman that you should try and address some your room issues with acoustic treatments first... You can't just EQ boost your way out of those dips below the Schroeder frequency... You can however flatten the peaks around them... And while we are on the subject of room...
  10. ddude003

    How do you EQ / treat this room?

    Thank you for the offer... Save that beer money for some more kit... From the looks of it you have a pretty nice system... You may as well get the best sound you can from it... Its not a job, its an adventure... :greengrin: We are all here to help... Most of us anyway... :innocent::devil:
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