Headroom, Subwoofer EQ


New Member
Thread Starter
Jan 10, 2025
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Sony TA-AN1000
Front Speakers
Totem Kin Flex
Center Channel Speaker
Orb Audio Mod 4
Surround Speakers
Orb Audio Mod 2
Middle Height Speakers
Orb Audio Mod 2
SVS SB-2000, Orb Audio Uber Ten
First of all, thanks for the free software, donation coming your way!

Just started playing with REW yesterday when my second sub arrived, a SVS SB-2000 to complement my 13 year old Orb Audio Uber Ten.
Tested a bunch of different location on both subs and finally found something that was workable.
Here is the EQ filters applied and the result on the generated curv from Align Tool. (Haven't got my MiniDSP 2x4HD yet so cant try it out)
Just wanted to double check if its "safe" to use this filter.
Is the headroom ok? (3.1db)
Also when I increase the +5.0 in filter 2, to lets say +6, the headroom increases to 4.1, thought that it was gonna gets less?
My speakers cross over is around 120Hz.

I also put +5db Gain in Align Tool on the SVS SB-2000 sub. There was a nasty dip/null where filter 2 is compensating now.

Thank you, and cheers from Sweden


More filter gain means more headroom required. Your overall headroom requirement is probably fine, but applying gain to counter dips in the response is likely to be very position dependent. You should measure at a few positions to make sure the gain doesn't create an unwanted peak in the response at nearby positions.
So the Headroom figure, is it how much headroom i've got or how much i need for the filter?