Aperion Audio Verus II Grand Tower Unboxing!

Todd Anderson

Editor / Senior Admin
Thread Starter
Jan 20, 2017
Balt/Wash Metro
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
StormAudio ISP.24 MK2
Main Amp
Emotiva XPA-5
Additional Amp
Emotiva XPA Gen3 2.8 multichannel amp
Other Amp
Denon X8500H
Computer Audio
AudioEngine A2+
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Kaleidescape TERRA
Panasonic UB9000
Streaming Equipment
iFi Audio Zen Blue
Streaming Subscriptions
Front Speakers
GoldenEar Technology Triton One.R
Center Channel Speaker
GoldenEar Technology SuperCenter Reference
Surround Speakers
GoldenEar Invisa MPX
Surround Back Speakers
GoldenEar Invisa MPX
Front Height Speakers
SVS Prime Elevation x4 (Top Front, Top Mid-Front)
Rear Height Speakers
SVS Prime Elevation x4 (Top Middle, Top Rear)
Quad Array SVS SB16s
Other Speakers
Behringer 1124p; Aura Bass Shaker Pros; SuperSub X
Seymour Screen Excellence, Enlightor NEO AT Screen
Video Display Device
Other Equipment
Sony 65-inch A95L OLED
Sony 65-inch X900F
ZeroSurge 8R15W x 2
ZeroSurge 2R15W x 2
Here it is... Aperion's new Verus II unboxed! The finish on this speaker is to perfection. Review coming soon!

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You never get a single anything, it's always multiples. Your wife must love that! :rant: :p
Yeah... that's a discussion that could use a forum of its own. :innocent:

Can you believe the finish on the Verus II? Wet! Absolutely beautiful in person.
Those are indeed some fine looking speakers. I would love to hear them here in my room.
Those are very nice looking speakers. They looked really good in your unboxing room and I'm sure they'll sound just as good. Your videos always impress me Todd!
Todd is turning out to be a movie star!
Thise are some nice looking towers. This is one company I have not had the opportunity to audition their wares. Looking forward to the review.
Maybe I can get some clothing sponsors ;-)

I've thoroughly enjoyed these speakers -- they have a crisp upper end that is laid back just enough to be super smooth, and a very balanced low end. Music sounds fantastic.

I'm deep in the writing phase...and spent about 4 hours yesterday just listening as I wrote. Wish I could bottle up their sound and throw it on paper. Not to give away too much... but these would super easy to keep!