All time favorite Movie Thread


Sign me up for RED/RED 2 especially since Bruce Willis is out of the game.
The Empire Strikes Back
What is you all time favorite movie. If you could only take one movie with you to a deserted island what would that movie be?

I know my movie is not a single movie but Played back to back it most certainly is as they flow perfectly together.

The Back to the future trilogy is my favorite. Not only for the story but the soundtrack was and still is awesome.
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The Big Chill. Great music. Great ensemble cast. Great story and script.
Nikita by Luc Besson.
joe versus the volcano

Tombstone - 1993
IMHO The Best Western ever!
What a great cast with incredible acting starring Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Sam Elliott, Bill Paxton, Powers Boothe, Michael Biehn, Dana Delany, Jason Priestley, & Charlton Heston.
I'm not a person to watch movies over and over but on the maybe once a year occasion when there's nothing at all
interesting to pass the time, this one gets the call.
Wow, there are so many films here mentioned that would be my favourite, it's not easy to choose just one, I thought that my favourite was Terminator 2, but after thinking I came up with Cinema Paradiso, hopefully some of have watched this, if not go for it, it's sad, happy, funny and more :T
I know that loads of people say that this is a great movie, but for some reasons, I couldn't get on with it, tried a few times but nothing, also tried the new one 2049 I thinkit's called? went to the cinema with my wife, she loved it, but I fell asleep, tried to rewatch it again on streaming, but still the same
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Pulp Fiction is the movie that turned my love of movies into an obsession. It sparked the excitement to dig deeper into the films I love and do film studies and learn more about the art of filmmaking. And I didn't think it was great the first time I saw it. Turns out I was in a crappy theater and missed half the dialog.

The good news it is too hard to pick just one!!!
Comedy - Duck Soup
Sci Fi - Forbidden Planet
Romance - Casablanca
Action - Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Mystery - Maltese Falcon
Fantasy - Princess Bride (just beats out Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2)
Every time "Casablanca" comes on, we have to watch. Such a classic. Otherwise I would take "Young Frankenstein." A day doesn’t go by when somebody uses one of the lines. "The third switch!!?? Yes! Throw it!" Oh, such classic Mel Brooks and Gene Wilder humor.
Dr. Strangelove was mentioned above. Excellent.
I love Peter Sellers. My favourite would be "Being There", the juxtaposition of the craziness of society and politics with an individual's personal inner peace is intense and heartwarming.
Special mention to "Poor Things"
But I love a good action or sci-fi movie as well. Pretty much everything already posted.
The original Star Wars. The only movie ever released that I saw (21) times in the theater😁. I pretty sure it had a major impact on a whole lot of movies and shows since it's epic May '77 launch.

Wow. How to narrow this down... My two favorite actors of all time are John Wayne and Peter O'Toole. Both have multiple movies that I can choose from. I can narrow these choices down by considering when I first saw them... I'm of an age where the Gods of my youth get preferential treatment... And my personal connection with a movie.

For me, it comes down to two movies. "The Sands of Iwo Jima" was a film that partially motivated me to make that fateful trip to the Marine Corps recruiting station. The other movie, "Creator" was filmed in and around places that I knew, lived and frolicked during my "green salade days." I learned and continue to relearn impactful lessons from each movie as my perspective on my personal helix ascends. But as they say in the "Highlander" franchise, "There can be only one."

Today, I'm going to go with "Creator." But ask me again tomorrow.
Fiddler on the Roof!
My consistent favorites have been Interstellar, Edward Scissorhands, Oblivion, TMNT (1990), Batman Begins, Fury, Drive. They all truly captivate my imagination and pull me in every time I watch them.

If I had to pick one movie that has impacted me the most over the course of my life it would be The Lion King (1994). The music, voices, characters, story, all deeply moving. 100% chance I'm aggressively fighting tears when Mufasa dies, every time.

Tons of outstanding choices in this thread. Honorable mentions... Days of Thunder, Ronin, The 'Burbs, Jurassic Park, Jack Reacher, Back to The Future, The Matrix, Moon...
Wind - 1992

Has it all, nice boats, nice girls, nice guys, and an amazing soundtrack by Basil Poledouris.
Always return to it when I need my spirit lifted up. It's not the most faithful to the rules of boat racing, but it is fun!

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Shawshank Redemption
Stand By Me
What is you all time favorite movie. If you could only take one movie with you to a deserted island what would that movie be?

I know my movie is not a single movie but Played back to back it most certainly is as they flow perfectly together.

The Back to the future trilogy is my favorite. Not only for the story but the soundtrack was and still is awesome.
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Casablanca (1943)
What is you all time favorite movie. If you could only take one movie with you to a deserted island what would that movie be?

I know my movie is not a single movie but Played back to back it most certainly is as they flow perfectly together.

The Back to the future trilogy is my favorite. Not only for the story but the soundtrack was and still is awesome.
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My favorite movies are Cast Away, The next three days and of course, I like Back to the Future very much, especially N3.
Impossible to pick just one! Maybe Ghostbuters or Alien, but the desert island would need a good sound system and popcorn.
Exactly... but don't make me pick just one song. :blink: